where is avu?(chapter-31)

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Vishal - avu said she is leaving from this college...

Namrtiti- for how many days...??

Vishal- for forever...

Suddenly sid's phone rang and he saw it was his personal assistant's call..he picked up the call and got the biggest shock of his life he hanged up the call and then abhi said-

Abhi- what happened sid??

Reem- tell na sid...is it something releated to avu..

(Sid nodded his head)

Vai- is avu fine??

Jan- why did she left like that..she was on the verge of crying...

Ashi- leave it sid...let's go out from this bus for five minutes...please na let's go on a walk.

Jai- ashi can you just shut up...

Sid- Avneet's company went bankrupt...

Jan- her company was her every thing....she worshipped her company..

Vai(in Sid's ear)- sid..ask your men's to search for her..I am pretty sure she must be depressed right now and she can take a wrong step right now...

Sid- we are gonna search for her right now...

Ashi- but sid what about our project

Sid- Nina please can you do all of ours project..please we have to go and find avu...

Nina- OK sid!!

(All came out of the bus and said )

Sid- guys... I have asked my men's to search for avneet...can you please tell me where does she goes when she is depressed??

Jan- she goes to beaches...

Fai- but there are four beaches here..

Sid- OK so, vai and abhi will go the oshima beach,jan and fai to marine beach,reem and jai will go to soel beach and I will go to the last one to find avu...

Ashi- even I want to help you to find Avu...

Sid- OK!!so you come with me...

(Everyone went to their respective beaches to find Avu...)

Meanwhile with avu..
Avu's POV,
I am such a loser I can't even handle a company ...I  broke the promise which I had given to my mom-dad...the company  for which they had done a lot of hard work is right now bankrupt I am not a good daughter I don't have any right to live

She was standing near a beach and she was alone there....

That's it for this chapter...

I know I am very late to update the chapter but guys I was literally very busy since morning that's why was not getting time to update I will try to update the next chapter today only..

Guys please do vote and comment so that I don't feel  demotivated....

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