Fifty two

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        The car ride seemed to drag on, each minute growing longer then the previous. I hadn't minded, though, since I had Luke beside me.

His left hand slung on the steering wheel, his free hand was placed in the middle of my thigh, every so often tapping his fingers to the music. He was humming also, and it seemed to have put me in a soothing state.

I was calm, but the minute I thought about the bags piled in the back of the car, I began to grow nervous. Luke and I weren't just running away, we were taking bags full of millions of dollars easily, and I hadn't had a clue where It had came from.

"You alright?" Luke mumbled, taking his eyes off the road for a brief moment to glance in my direction. I hesitantly nodded before his eyes shifted back to the road, which was deserted except for the odd car that slowly drove by.

"I know your curious," His voice grew louder, his hand squeezing tightly on my thigh. Again, his action was soothing, and I had eased into the moment until his hand slid off, using his fingers to turn down the music that was softly humming through the car.

"Ask me, Jo." He didn't hesitate to speak, nor did he sound nervous. He was calm and collected, and was encouraging me to ask what I had been afraid to the whole time. "Ask me where I got the money."

Folding my hands in my lap, I didn't waste anytime in asking, as I had waited long enough. I deserved to know. "Where did you get the money?"

It grew silent.

I watched as Luke's lips formed a smirk, one that showed power, one that gave off the era that he was proud of whatever he had done. I then knew, from whoever and however he got the money, It wasn't pleasent.

"It's Marcus's." His eyes lingered on the road, his fingers tapping against the steering wheel. "Well, it was Marcus's. It's ours now, baby. It's all ours."

Again, it was silent. Luke was proud. I, on the other hand, didn't know what to say. Should I be proud too? "Luke," I whispered, his attention shifting to me, his hand slipping off the wheel and wrapping around my shoulder.

"What's wrong, babe? Aren't you happy? I did this for you, for us." His hand massaged the back of my neck, words spilling from his mouth until I cut him off. "How did you get this money?" my teeth sunk into my bottom lip, my heart thumping in my chest.

His head shifting backwards, he leaned his blonde quiff against the head rest, chewing on his lip ring. "I stole it, not that it matters. I have you, our baby, and enough money to get us whatever we need. It's all going to work out now, Jo." Luke smiled, his hand draping over my shoulders now resting on my lap.

He managed to untangle my hands, firmly grasping his large hand with mine, his thumb rubbing circles over the pale skin.

I stayed silent after that, time to time enjoying the presence of Luke and smiling when he looked my way, flashing his teeth for a matter of seconds.

The last thing I remembered was the clock reading 2:01 in bright red letters before Luke mumbled to me to go to sleep, and I had up until a moment ago when the car jolted to a stop, and I peered open my eyes to see we had stopped on the side of the road.

Curious as to why, I unbuckled my seat belt and swung open my door, noticing Luke standing a few feet away. He had glanced back towards the car, something I had assumed he had done numerous times while I was sleeping.

"Fuck," Luke hissed, his hand running through his blonde hair. His neck flushed red, and I knew he was mad. Something had to be wrong, or Luke wouldn't be standing on the side of the road at almost four in the morning hissing into his phone.

"What the hell do I do, mate? Yes, Im with Johanna, obviously." He growled, the cool wind hitting me instantly as I stepped out of the car. "She can't get hurt, I won't let her get hurt. Don't pull this shit with me, you can help!" By now Luke was screaming, and I wouldn't be surprised if the animals in the forest near by awoke in anger.

"Do something, Cal!" standing a few steps behind Luke, I gained consciousness, understanding that the person on the other end of the phone was Calum. Why? I had no idea.

"Do something or your going to regret it." With that Luke hung up, shoving his phone in his pocket before throwing his hands in the air, a loud, angered sigh escaping his lips. "Luke," I hushed, hoping It didn't make him more mad then he already was.

I had expected Luke to regain himself and wrap me in his arms, telling me it would all be okay. Like every teenage girl's dream, that though was crushed by reality. Instead, Luke's flushed and angered face met mine, his eyes dark.

"Jo," He growled, his hands wrapping firmly around my arms. "You need to listen to me." I hesitantly nodded, knowing any other action would have resulted in trouble. Luke was mad, and I had to respect that.

"I'm in a little bit of trouble, okay? Nod if you understand." I nodded. I didn't understand, but I nodded. "Marcus know's everything. He knows I stole the money. He knows I planned to run away with you." I should be scared, or worried for that matter, but I wasn't. I as beyond scared and worried. I was trembling with fear, and I couldn't do anything about that.

"I love you with all my heart Johanna. I know what happened in the past, I know that I hurt you, but you listen to me Jo," Luke sighed, the type of sigh boys usually let out before the broke up with you. The one you heard when you were ready to be set up for disappointment.

"Were still getting married. Were still having our baby. We are still going to be in love, nothing will change that."

I was confused. Luke sounded as if we were putting our lives on hold, and by the look on his face, I was expecting that in the least. I didn't know what was going on, but I knew I knew one thing for sure, I would be hurt.

I had expected that with Luke. As much as I cared for him, and as much as I loved him, I always ended up being hurt, and for some odd reason, I decided to be okay with that.

"Marcus is going to kill you." The colour in Luke's face drained, and I had pondered to how mine looked. "Falling in love with the girl I was paid to use crossed the line. Getting her pregnant, making her my finance, and running away with her set us up for this."

I opened my mouth, which I might add grew dry, finally speaking my mind. "Then why the hell are we here! You knew this would happen. We didn't have to run away, we didn't have to get married, and we sure as hell didn't have to have a baby!"

I was angry. Beyond angry. And it only made Luke worse then his current state.

"I love you, Johanna," Ive never heard a more fragile state escape Luke's tough interior. He was always strong, until now. "It doesn't seem like it, Luke. I've always failed to see that, but I stuck around because I loved you, and this is what I get."

A stray tear fell down Luke's pale face, his teary blue eyes never leaving mine. He was fragile, he was in a state I never thought I would witness. "I'm so sorry, Johanna. I'm going to fix this." His arms wound around my shoulders, his head digging into the crook of my neck.

I hugged back. At the moment, I didn't know if I wanted to or not. I did anyways. "I'm going to fix this." He mumbled yet again, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin of my neck. "How," I pondered, my eyes lingering on the shining diamond that was preserved on my finger.

The ring that showed Luke loved me as much as I loved him. It showed loyalty, honestly, and purity. It showed Luke was there for me, whether he was there to hug me when I felt down, or to make me smile when tears were streaming down my face.

He was also there to protect me, no matter protecting meant, he was there to do it. "I'm going to kill Marcus."

I didn't know what Marcus was capable of, and I didn't want to find out. On the other hand, I knew what Luke was capable of, and as badly as I didn't want to find that out either, it was only a matter of time before I did.

 I would finally see who Luke truly was, and that was more terrifying then a sadistic man threatening to kill me.

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