twenty seven

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        When I had said the uncomfortable silence was unbarable with just Luke and I, I was wrong. I was most definetly, completely, embaressingly wrong.

There had been two cars driving to Vegas. Marcus driving one, Luke the other. Ashton and Michael had decided to go with Marcus, and beyond my belief Calum wanted to come with Luke and I. Hell, I didn't even want to go with Luke, but it was my only option.

Instead of uncomfortable silence which is what I was hoping for, Calum had a list of questions he decided to ask me, the majority of them being about Luke and I.

Was Luke your first? Did you guys bang anytime after the tape? Do you love him? And my personal favourite, How come your still with him?

I wouldn't exactly say I was with him, in all fairness. I didn't break up with him, but my actions spoke differently, and besides, emotionally, I was far from being with Luke, hense physically I was. I would never really say we were together. Sure, I called him my boyfriend once, the time being I was obviously horny and he was saying all the right things. 

Either way, I didn't know the answer to that question, and I had thought long and hard before finally Calum fell asleep, Luke's voice interrupting my thoughts.

"I'm sorry about him," His eyes glanced in the mirror, set on a sleeping Calum, soft snores escaping his button nose. "He dosen't really know when to keep his mouth shut." I nodded, starring at the dark road ahead of me, the only car visible being Marcus's that was a ways ahead of us.

"I get it." I nodded, Luke's large hand covering the circumference of my tiny one, a blush rising to my cheeks. As much as I liked the feeling, I pulled my hand away, wrapping it in my other one, placing them back on my lap.

"What the hell, Johanna." Luke furrowed his eyebrows, giving me a harsh stare which made my stomach nauseous. "Your kissing me an hour ago and now I can't even hold your hand?" his voice grew deep, loud, and I knew that meant only one thing:

He was angry.

Luke Hemmings angry is not a sight you want to see, and because of the idiot I am, I tempted him even further. "You kissed me." I mumbled, quickly glancing at his hands which were tightly gripping the steering wheel.

"Your my girlfriend Johanna, remember that." I rolled my eyes, biting into my bottom lip to keep me from saying anything else. Of course, he puts a label on it just as I try and convince myself it was nothing, purely lust and a few too many mistakes.

Tapping my fingers against the surface of my thigh, I glanced back at Calum to see him sound asleep, curled up against the seats, his arms wrapped around himself.

Leaning my head against the window, I could feel Luke's stare burning into my side as I let my lids close, a sudden pain throbbing in my head. "Are you alright?" I let my hand clamp over my forehead, wanting nothing more but a bed to sleep in.

"We should be at a hotel soon, babe" Luke mumbled, his hand giving my thigh a tight squeeze, and I found myself lacing my hand in his, wanting nothing more then Luke and I to be as simple as the hand holding gesture.

One second to bind the two, and your in a comforting position.

It then hit me, that was our problem. Luke and I might be total opposites, and he might have done some horrible things to me to make me reconsider anything, but our problem was exactly us.

Like how quick it takes to hold someones hand, Luke and I were in a "relationship", just like that. It took days for me to be his girlfriend, and another set to be engaged - almost. Luke and I had moved into something too fast, something neither of us could control, and that was exactly why I was fighting this relationship, or what It could be.

We had moved to fast, and I don't know if I was ready for all of this, the life Luke lives, but by looking at him, I know no matter what he did, I don't want to be anywhere else. I want to be wherever he is, and that was the answer to Calum's ridiculous question. 

How come your still with him?  I don't want to be anywhere else, especially if it isn't with him.

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