thirty eight

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     The bedroom door breaking was the last thing I was concerned about at this very moment. On another note, It was Marcus's first priority.

I wasn't exaggerating one bit when I had said the bedroom door breaking was the last thing I was concerned about at this very moment. It was physically torn off the hinges and now laying flatly on the ground inches away from the bed.

Luke had insisted on carrying me, which in all honesty I appreciated, and had swung our bedroom door open a little to hard at that, and was now laying on the ground, hense the term breaking.

Luke forbid anyone from walking in an out of our room unless he called them, and was keen on making sure I was never left alone on any occasion.

I was easily sat on the bed but hesitant due to the amount of blood covering me, but yet again, that shouldn't be a concern and wasn't at the time being. Luke didn't leave my side once setting me down. Instead, he slipped his phone from his pocket, quick to dial a number, bending down on the ground.

One hand held his phone to his head while the other continued to rub my stomach softly, quiet moans escaping his lips.

"K-Ken," Luke exhaled, his breathing heavy and coarse. "I need you to come down right now. You can't waste anytime." I heard mumbling over the other end, but was barely conscience to notice. I felt extremely exhausted, and all I wanted to do was sleep for days.

"Ken." Luke growled, causing my attention to gaze on him, an angry look spread across his pale face. "I swear to god if you take longer then ten minutes your done." With that Luke hung up, chucking his phone across the room.

The sound of the object hitting the wall filled the silence, Luke's breaths calming before his head planted on the surface of my thighs, soft whimpers escaping his lips.

"Johanna," Luke whispered, his now free hand gripping my waist tightly. "I, I am so sorry." I felt the wetness of his tears on my legs, causing whatever I had left in me to break. Moments had passed and all that filled the room was Luke's cry's, and occasionally myself gasping for air.

Luke finally glanced up, his red eyes swollen and clouded, a sad smile on his lips. "Johanna, everything is going to be okay." He sighed, movement from the doorway erupting in the small, quiet house.

Luke's trembling lips placed a soft kiss to my stomach, forehead, then following my lips before an older looking man walked into the room, a bag in his left hand. "Luke," He nodded, Luke's soft expression easily changing.

"The baby. You need to make sure the baby is okay." At first he looked confused, before there eyes fell on me, silently sitting as a stone figure, sore and motionless. "You must be Johanna." I slightly nodded, not even bothering to wonder how he knew my name, let alone who I was.

"May I ask what happened." His question should have been directed at me, but had looked at Luke the whole time. The man held an expression that clearly showed fear, and instead of asking me what had happened, it was as if he had to ask Luke first, almost like he was asking permission.

"The baby." Luke simply stated, crossing his arms and giving the man, Ken, a harsh stare. "Right," He nodded, bending down to my view. "but in order to do that, I need to know what happened." The man was clearly annoyed, but nothing compared to Luke.

Before he could jump in, I managed to choke out "I was beat up." Simple, and saved Ken from a beating himself.

"Were you hit anywhere in the stomach, Johanna?" I simply nodded, Luke rolling his eyes before sitting beside me, his large hand gripping my own. "Yes." I stuttered, praying it was a normal occurrence (not that bleeding profusely was normal) and that everything would actually be okay.

"How hard?" His hands fumbled with the hem of my shirt, quickly glancing at Luke before proceeding. "Hard enough to make her bleed." Luke spat, his hand pulling away from mine, and wrapping it around my waist. "Ken, do your job." Luke growled, Ken's eyes travelling over my bruised stomach.

"If you would have done yours," My shirt was pulled back down, Ken standing from the position he was currently in. "this would not have happened." He motioned Luke outside the room, who have me a quick kiss on the temple and told me he would be right back.

I could barely see the two, though they were loud enough so I could clearly understand what they were saying.

"She needs to see an actual doctor Luke," Ken sighed, and I could vividly imagine Luke's facial expression. "You need to take her to a hospital," He sighed. "You know I can't do that!" Luke cut him off, his voice clearly louder then he pleased.

"Ken, I can't take her. They'll know somethings up. I'm not in the exact place for them to suspect anything about me, asshole." Another sigh. "Luke, I'm no doctor, nor am I educated to be one, but I can tell you one thing,"

A pause. One of the longest, most intense waits of my life. When Ken had spit out what he pried at saying, I almost wished the wait was longer. Much, much longer.

"There is no way the baby is alive, Luke. Not in her condition." Tears began to escape my tired eyes, my breathing trembling to steady out at a normal pace. "No," Luke's voice silently filled the spinning room, my hand clenching my bruised stomach.

"No. The baby is alive. Our baby is alive." Again, another sigh. "Luke," Ken sounded sympathetic, unusually different from his aggressive tone. "Look at her, and I mean actually look. She was beat to the extend of death. Your lucky the baby is the only thing that's dying."

A gasp faintly escaped my lips, and I didn't bother to hear the commotion between Luke and Ken before he was escorted out, an angry looking Luke storming into the room, face red and veins of course prominent in his neck, much like they always were.

"Johanna," Luke muttered, bending down to my level once again and placing both hands on my thighs. "Who?" His teeth clenched together, his words fighting a cry that wanted to take over. I knew, It's happened to me many times.

"Who did this to you?" My mouth slightly parted, my mouth becoming dry. Should I tell him? Should I tell my boyfriend that his so called best friend did this? Maybe he would pick Michael over me. He would find out, put it in the past and move on with his life.

I was afraid. If he picked Michael over me, the same person who beat up his girlfriend and possibly killed his child would pick that over me, god knows what he would pick over me. Who really knew what Luke would actually do to protect me? In that case, nothing.

Therefore, I kept my mouth shut. I refused to tell Luke who did this. Instead, it would go according to Michael's plan. Luke wouldn't know it was Michael who beat me up, and Michael wouldn't hurt me anymore. I had a threat against him, and hopefully he would leave me alone.

I won't have to deal with knowing who Luke would pick, and we would pretend like things were okay.

The only problem with pretending is that I have to act like I like Michael. Michael who gives me dirty looks, who hates my guts for no reason. Michael who beat me up, and thinks he can get away with it.

He's heard everything that's gone on in this room. He wouldn't be sitting in the chair closest to our bedroom and furthest from everything else if he wasn't. He had to make sure he did what he was supposed to. Kill the baby.

"Jo," I snapped back from my thoughts, placing both of my tiny, beat up hands on Luke's pale face, his dark eyes glancing into mine.

"We are going to find out who did this," He gulped, his jaw clenching. "And I am going to kill them." He's gorgeous blue eyes were black, matching Michael's t shirt, which was the complete opposite colour of his face, which was drained from all colour.

Michael was scared of Luke, and frankly, so was I. What a surprise! I was afraid of Luke, my own boyfriend. He tried, he really did. He tried to be my boyfriend, he tried to act nice. He told me things were going to be okay, but this time it wasn't.

This was not okay.

It seemed to be like this with Luke. Around him, nothing ever seems to go right.

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