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🌻: hello sunflowers <3 this one was,,,, i went all out because i watched a clip of hyuck and it did something to me LMAOOO anyways make sure to stay safe and healthy!! <3

🌻: hello sunflowers <3 this one was,,,, i went all out because i watched a clip of hyuck and it did something to me LMAOOO anyways make sure to stay safe and healthy!! <3

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"How... how did we drift apart?"

The question asked is supposed to leave a heavy atmosphere, supposed to make the both of you guilty, but instead it leaves off on a questioning tone, purely curiosity.

You don't know how you drifted away from Lee Haechan, it just happened. The both of you never realized, and you were okay with that. It wasn't painful.

"Naturally, I guess?"

Donghyuck shifts his head to look over at you, sprawled across his carpet next to him, a pile of empty boxes the only thing between you. After you miraculously found each other at a random McDonalds nearby campus, you decided to hang out and catch up.

Funny, you were inseparable in you early teen years, and now you didn't even know he went to the same school as you. It wasn't that unexpected, but still a bit shocking that you were oblivious.

He then reaches out for yet another cold and oily fry in the bottom of one of your last boxes of fries, popping it in his mouth. You remember how he wouldn't like the edges, so you'd bite them off for him.

Donghyuck asked you to do it before, and you did, before you got full. He'll just have to deal with it.

"It wasn't out of hatred, right?"

At this, you shift to your side, facing him with ease, "Is this your way of telling me you were upset at me for drifting away?"

"No," Donghyuck's laugh is soft, almost tiring from the amount of laughing you had before, but it's still genuine. "I wasn't upset. Were you?"

You shake your head no.

You're both glad the action happened mutually.

He's changed. For the good. Not that he was any bad, he just got better. You can see his change. Obviously, he's matured a lot, and he's grown a sense of himself, but he's changed a lot since you two last remember seeing each other.

"Man, I really miss your bowlcut, Hyuck,"

"Hey!" That haircut felt like a true nightmare, a fever dream, he never wants to go through it again. Something he didn't realize he did want to go through until now, is the nickname you'd always call him.

Nowadays, it's just Haechan, his trademark. But the name you call him, it's from his real name, but much more short and affectionate. He remembers only letting you call him that.

He also remembers the huge crush bowlcut Hyuck had on you. Donghyuck was sure that summer he was going to confess, but now he's glad he chickened out. He wasn't ready for anything.

But now, as Donghyuck gazes at you, his head in his palm, he realizes he is still not ready, but he's completely down to taking the chance. He's grown, and he knows what to do now.

As your sweet laughs fill the air, Donghyuck realizes, he would do anything for you. Even if years have passed, he still would do anything.

Just as your laughs subside, just a little bit, Donghyuck suddenly shifts his spot from right next to you, to slightly hovering right in front of you.

At the unexpected move, you can't help but let out a few more laughs, laughs you are unaware of being capable of flipping one's heart and setting all sorts of things in a body as well. It's not just butterflies, not just warmth, it's the feeling of clarity.

Lee Donghyuck loves you, he has for a long time.

And unbeknownst to him, you are completely smitten for him to.

Since the 7th grade, when he saved you in a mere game of capture the flags just because your ankle was hurt and the penalty of losing was laps around school.

You're glad he took one for you, and you're especially glad that he's finally here after years. Years of thinking you had moved on, years of pondering if you still had feelings for him or not, years of being apart.

Donghyuck moves closer to you, and as if a magnet, you lean in as well, eyes fixed on each other's. You can see and tell what's in them, and it's you. You both are in each other's eyes, you have been for a long time.

At last, your eyes shut, your hands grasping at his neck to pull him closer to finally fit your lips together, years of memories, years forgotten, and years of love finally being poured in one sweet connection of your lips.

It's absolutely warm, all so yearning, it's not perfect, but it's Donghyuck. He's way past good enough for a perfect kiss.

His lips feel like how you always imagined them to be, warm and soft. They're plush as they move against yours, showing all his love he has for you. You pull him closer, hoping he can feel your love as well. He does, he senses it with each inch you pull him closer with, and the small curl of the corner of your lips.

You pull away with smiles, noses and foreheads bumping against each other's. "Well, bowlcut Hyuck had a crush on you."

Your laugh blows against his lips, "Maybe I had a crush on bowlcut Hyuck, too,"

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