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🌻:: been feeling angsty lately idk why LMAOO

The clear tears that fall to your cheeks do more than hurt Donghyuck, it tears him apart inside and outside just at the sight of them sliding down your cheeks

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The clear tears that fall to your cheeks do more than hurt Donghyuck, it tears him apart inside and outside just at the sight of them sliding down your cheeks. What hurts him more is the fact that he cant do anything to help you, he cant make it feel better.

He frankly doesn't even know why youre crying, even so he has the strongest urge to take you into his arms and dry your tears.

That's exactly what he does, taking your hands away from your face, his touch soft and comforting. Donghyuck's fingertips are gentle and warm as they caress across your skin, the rubbing of his thumb against the back of your hand reassuring you.

You cant help the tears that fall to your cheeks at the sight of his oh so worried eyes, guilt stirring in your stomach at the twists on his eyebrows.

Why are you crying so damn much? Why cant you stop? Why cant you do anything right?

In all truthfulness, you dont really know why youre crying either. Pent up stress from the whole week? Perhaps you missed your sister whos across the world. You dont know, but its what you wanted to do, and was exactly what you did.

The sudden feeling of something warm pressing against your wet, hot cheeks shocks you. And before you know it, Donghyucks lips continue their journey across your cheeks, all over your face, showering the warmth of his love all over each inch of your face.

A few moments pass, and with each second that passes, Donghyucks kisses are still on your skin, peppering all over as his hands hold you still when you squirm.

He pulls away, after what feels like eternity, and to your surprise he has a grin on his face. He was just worried a second ago, and hes smiling again.

Have you done something?

In fact you have, because before you know it, a laugh slips from your lips. You dont feel the sick feeling of discomfort and hatred sitting swirling in you, instead its filled with an urge to laugh and grin and shower Donghyuck with your love as well.

His forehead bumps with yours, noses brushing. "Will you tell me whats wrong?"

You want to thank him for being so patient with you, and in all honesty you dont even know where he gets it from. Your head shakes against his. "I dont know whats wrong." Its quiet, uncertain, and yet Donghyuck understands every bit of what you mean.

Hes had those moments, sudden sadness and urge to burst out crying, everybodys bound to go through it.

Your fingers intertwine, messily locking, as Donghyuck leaves a soft kiss that lingers on your lips. "I understand."

And you feel so understood with him, not even a few words were provided to describe your situation, but hes always going to be there for you nonetheless. As you gaze into his eyes, you wonder what you would do without Lee Donghyuck. Without his comforting embrace, loving gaze, the reassurance in his kisses and love in his hugs.

With a tug at your arm, and one tumble to the bed, you know Donghyuck senses your messy thoughts, and invites you to a wordless cuddle session. You give in almost instantly, deciding to bury your thoughts for another day, and bury yourself into his hugs.

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