Fishy business.

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🌻 :: this idea has actually been sitting in my drafts for a long time before i decided to finally write it ^^

🌻 :: this idea has actually been sitting in my drafts for a long time before i decided to finally write it ^^

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Man, school is fishy, but this new school you've just transferred to is super fishy.

It's only your first time moving schools, and for the typical moved towns moved schools. Your friends have done that before, but they never said anything about weird schools.

Well, it's not that weird, you guess. Maybe you're not used to the change. But your first impression when you first came in wasn't exactly normal.

The moment you stepped foot into the building there was a toy rocket zooming right by your head, followed with multiple yells from teachers all saying one name, which you assume is the person who ran after the rocket right after it passed you.

Other than that, you would say this new school is boring.

Especially their math classes, which you're in right now. It's only first period, and everyone around you is on the verge of sleeping. Your seat mate took no time in taking the chance to sleep, the moment it started he's been snoozing off.

And to be honest, you kind of want to as well. The topic is a familiar topic you already covered last semester in your last school, so you don't particularly think you have to pay attention.

Just as you're about to give into the sleep, there's a sudden sound of a chair scraping behind you. Alarmed, you whip around to the sound, and see that it's only you who notices, not even the teacher has noticed.

The person behind you doesn't even make an attempt to keep quiet, grabbing his backpack and shrugging on his jacket, before heading over to the window.

You wait for his next moves, an urge to see how far he can go without being noticed bubbling in you. Much to your surprise, he pops open the window, before swinging his legs over the sill to land on the grass outside.

What the fuck? How has nobody noticed?

Your head moves left and right, trying to at least find another witness of the shocking acts playing carelessly in front of you.

Nobody. Not even the teacher.

Suddenly, the boy's head pops up again from the window, and he knocks on the sill to get your attention. "Hey you, new kid,"

Bewildered, you nod slowly, wearily leaning closer to hear him more clearly. Unexpectedly, he nudges his head, with two fingers in the air to beckon you. "Come with me,"

Before he dips and disappears again.

This school is definitely weird.

"What the fuck..." once again, you check your surroundings, still nobody suspecting anything. You ponder for a moment, questioning the school and your own morals. How the hell did they not notice some kid sneaking out of class?? And what is he even plotting??

With the ringing words of 'fuck it' resonating through your mind, you stand up from your seat, before throwing yourself out the window. You thank god it's on the ground floor, and not some big jump to get down.

"Oh great, didn't think you'd actually listen."

Before you, kneeling on the ground, is the boy who sat behind you. He throws his backpack off his back, and it lands loudly with a thud on the ground.

The stranger then zips open the bag, just as you kneel next to him. His hand reaches inside, and before you can wonder what he's taking out, he's already revealing the answer, and it being a very familiar object.


He doesn't even answer your question, already shoving another object at you. Despite the harsh impact of how hard he had thrown it at you.

Upon inspection, you find that he had given you a box of... matches.


"—hold that for me, and light it when I tell you to."

"Well damn, okay I guess."

You don't even know this dude's name and he's already ordering you around. This school is definitely fishy.

He's messing with the fireworks, adjusting it and whatnot . you're not sure what he's doing) All you can do is sit there, with the box of matches clutched tightly in your hands. You're confused, but you've been confused since you arrived so just some more confusion wouldn't hurt, right?

Finally, after a few minutes, the stranger turns around, nodding at the matches. "Now,"

Instantly, you light one, before you pass it to him. Suddenly, there's sounds of sparks and a light snicker, before you realize what you just got yourself into.


What were you expecting, really?

The stranger turns around unexpectedly, and pounces on top of you before you could even finish your sentence. His hands clap onto your ears, right before the fireworks go off.

The loud sounds are muffled from his palms, and you're honestly very thankful for it. On his lips, is a curled smile, amused and so wide, you can only barely hear his chuckles through his hands. At his smile, his laughter, his shaking body, you can't help but join in, your own laughter causing your body to shake.

There are more voices you hear, and you suspect it's teachers. Quickly, the stranger looks back, before he turns back to you, and starts mouthing something.

"What's your name?"

It takes you a few moments to register his words, for you can barely hear him, but when you do, you reply instantly with your name. He mouths something once again, and you still don't get what he says.

A few moments pass, as you try to think about what he had just said.

And then it clicks, the name the teachers were shouting this morning when that rocket almost hit you.

"Nice to meet you, Y/n."

"Likewise, Haechan."

This school is super weird.

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