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🌻:: wrote this on a post it during an exam uhh yeah it might be a bit eh just a warning!!

🌻:: wrote this on a post it during an exam uhh yeah it might be a bit eh just a warning!!

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You remember the day Donghyuck left you. Bittersweet and full of tears, though it was only you who was crying.

"I don't want you to go, please don't go!"

Your best friend chuckles at the tears that soak his shirt as you cling onto him, embracing you warmly.

"Come on, moving on isn't that bad. Not that hard, either."

Frantically, you pull away, to stare at his own tear stained face desperately. "Move on?! I don't want to move on! What if I forget you?"

Donghyuck wipes at your tears dearly, before he wipes at his own cheeks with the back of his hand messily. "Moving on doesn't mean you have to forget. If you don't want to forget, you don't have to."

"What if I do?"

"Here, take this." His arms extends, and before you know it he's passing a cold object into your palm, closing your fingers on top of it. You take a small peek, and find a ring sitting at the bottom of your palm. It's his ring, his favorite ring, glistening with the reflections of the sun.

"Thank you," You mumble, though it's not a lot, it's sure to remind your dearly of your best friend. Donghyuck shines a bright smile at you, looking as happy as ever at your gratefulness. "Don't you forget me."

You will never forget him. The last smile he gave you, along with an affectionate kiss he had planted on your cheek. You will never forget him. The way he smells of the stupid colognes he would collect for no reason, the way he would bug you when you work, the warmth of his embrace.

And here you are, across Donghyuck, finally after years. "Hey," You greet. You get nothing in return. The grass sways with the wind that brushes around you, it caresses your face, seeming to dry the tears that fall to your cheeks.

You fall to your knees next to Donghyuck, sitting upright just a moment later. Instantly, your tug and fiddle with the damp, and soft grass below you. Just as you tug a flower from the dirt, you notice the ring wrapped around your finger.

Donghyuck's favorite ring, that became your own favorite.

You admire it, just for a moment, before you slide it off your finger. Instead of keeping it, you place it right next to Donghyuck. "I believe this is yours."

You sigh and feel more tears burning at your eyes at the lack of response.

"I don't need it anymore. I think I'm gonna remember you forever."

The clock just down the block chimes, and it alarms you. 09:00, it reads. You've got 30 minutes to your next class. You turn back to Donghyuck as you stand up, dusting the dirt off your hands.

You lean down to leave a chaste kiss on the stone you had accompanied the whole time, flicking off the leaves that had fallen on it. Donghyuck's full name engraves on the tombstone, golden letters shining.

"So don't you forget me, okay?"

sunshine. || lee donghyuck imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now