Storm or no storm.

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🌻 :: couldn't think of a good title but at the same time I couldn't just slap another time on it you know 😭😭 anw enjoy this one!!!! im in my christmas mood rn HAHA

Winter, full of festivity, families, and Christmas! Winter has to be your favorite season of all time, not only do you get work off for Christmas, your long time boyfriend does too, and that's not something you get everyday

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Winter, full of festivity, families, and Christmas! Winter has to be your favorite season of all time, not only do you get work off for Christmas, your long time boyfriend does too, and that's not something you get everyday.

Though, you have to say winter does have it's downsides. Getting snowed in twice a week, waking up to a cold morning when your heater breaks occasionally, and snowstorms are the source of all these problems.

Donghyuck had gone out to visit his friends for a few hours, and while he was there a snowstorm started brewing. This became worse because he didn't drive there, he took the bus, and now that the buses wouldn't move due to the snow, Donghyuck had no way of coming home.

"It's alright Hyuck, you can just stay over until the storm clears out," you chuckle when Donghyuck complains about not being able to come home. "I'll wait for you here—"

"—but I don't want to wait! Do you know the crazy things Jaemin and Renjun do for Christmas?! And I barely had any time with you! I want to spend this month with you, not these dorks!" Donghyuck huffs out childishly, and you can almost see his pout through the phone. In the background, Renjun and Jaemin yell at your boyfriend, you can just hear the slight complaints they scream.

"Hyuck, it's a whole storm—"

"—storm or no storm, I'm kissing you within fifteen minutes!"

You can't help but chuckle at that. "It's storm. You're staying with Renjun and Jaemin."

Donghyuck huffs once more into the phone, "I'm coming home, and that's final!"

"Wait, but the buses—" the line cuts off before you could even finish your sentence.

Sighing, you place your phone back on your lap, and continue watching the special penguin documentary playing on the TV.

Worry stirs within you when you see how strong the snowstorm gets outside, how the hell is Donghyuck supposed to come home in such a condition?

You hate how stubborn he can be, especially when it comes to spending time with you. There was a time he skipped a seminar after finding out you weren't in it, and you were in detention. He got detention to spend time with you. Crazy, that man is. Crazy and stubborn.

To your fright a knock at the door rings through the house, and just a second later comes Donghyuck's voice, "Let me in! I've been walking in a snowstorm for 15 minutes!"

Instantly, you perk up and rush to the door, a sweater and towel by your side, and pull the door open. There Donghyuck is, all with his snowy hair and charming smile, if he wasn't about to freeze to death you would've hugged him, but with his chattering teeth and rosy cheeks, you pull him in and instantly tear off his jacket off him.

"Lee Donghyuck! How crazy must you be to run in a snowstorm for 15 minutes?! What if you got a frostbite? Or froze to death out there!"

Donghyuck only chuckles lightly and grins sheepishly at you as you dry is neck and face as if he were your child.

"Now get in the shower before you catch a cold!"

Thankfully, Donghyuck complies easily, knowing he would actually freeze to death if he didn't take a warm bath soon.

And now here you two are, on the couch, in a new set of sweaters and a towel in your hand. You reach up and plop the towel on Donghyuck's head, before shaking it around his head, drying thoroughly.

Laughs slip from your lover's lips at the action, his hands trying to find their ways to your wrists, attempting to halt your frantic movement. Although you are very upset at Donghyuck, and want to nag and scold him, you knew he would be running through the snow nonetheless. That's just how he is.

You can't help the laughs that you let out yourself, the curling and adoring smile of your boyfriend being more than enough to trigger your own.

His hands are extra warm, from the hot bath and sweater he wears, and the tips of his fingers leave trails of heat and comfort as they glide across the sides of your neck, before they claim their spots across your cheeks.

Donghyuck's face leans closer to yours, his nose only just brushing against yours, before he laughs at the ticklish feeling of it. What's even more ticklish, is the wet tips of his hair, that hit your forehead lightly with every move you make with the towel on his head.

Donghyuck finally fulfills what he's wanted to do as soon as he had arrived, his lips press softly at your nose. He knows it felt numb, with each scrunch and every wipe, he can practically feel his own numbing at he sight of yours.

Just as you laugh and push him away, Donghyuck is already sweeping back down, pecking your nose repeatedly with his warm lips, and bit by bit, you can feel your nose getting warmer as well.

He doesn't stop, even when you ask him too, his arms encircling and trapping you against him. How can he stop? When his actions are the cause of your laughter, your bright smile, he doesn't ever want to stop if this is what he gets in return.

"My god, what are you, Jack Frost? Nipping at my nose all the time?"

Donghyuck has no choice but pull away at your statement, throwing his head back with laughter. His eyes crinkle with such happiness, his cheeks pulled and coated with a light pink shade, you're not so sure if it's because of the cold, or the whole situation.

Your face ripples with a look of pure love as you gaze at your giggling mess of a boyfriend, and before you can stop yourself, you're leaning in, and pecking at his own nose repeatedly just as he had done with yours.

Okay, perhaps his decision of rushing through heavy snow wasn't that bad.

Yes, it was the correct choice. You conclude this as Donghyuck pulls you into his embrace, mumbling something about the special penguin documentary being a wonderful pick for such a cold evening.

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