Say it again.

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☀ :: haechan black hair alert we have fucking won

Donghyuck is no gentleman, is what you've learned from dating him for 2 years

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Donghyuck is no gentleman, is what you've learned from dating him for 2 years. At least, not to other people.

Mark Lee says he has too much of a soft spot for you, his teasing remarks are never as harsh as it is to his other friends, and he's much more loving.

'Then go date him,' is all you had to say to Mark, with. Donghyuck giggling at the thought of dating Mark a moment later. However, you think he is right.

You've been dating for 2 years already, and not once have you told him you love him. Of course, you do love him. With your whole heart, but it's a little hard for you to express it through words. Donghyuck had first told you by the first 6 months of your relationship, and clarified that it was okay if you didn't say it back.

It's been a year since then, and you wonder how he's been able to keep himself back from asking you every time you kiss his cheek or nod instead of saying it back.

As you said, Lee Donghyuck is no gentleman to others, but to you, he is the gentlest.

Hence why he spent over 2 weeks planning this trip, the current one you're on, a little trip to the beach, after seeing how incredibly stressed you've been due to midterms.

And now here you sit, in his trunk, watching as he picks up shells from the bay. You went on over and decided to chill in the warm heater of the car after being pushed into the water by none other than your lover. You were going to scold him, if it weren't for his giggles and cheek kisses. They make you incredibly soft.

This whole trip has you in a daze, unable to fully grasp the fact that Donghyuck really took his time to arrange all this. Your heart swirls and your insides feel too fuzzy for you to dislike it.

The sensations grow stronger when Donghyuck comes running back to the car with a grin, his palms all full with pretty shells.

"Hi baby, you doing okay here?"

You can't help but grin back, nodding. "It's warm, I like it."

He plants his lips on yours momentarily, and mumbles, "Good to know,"

Donghyuck then drops all the shells in his hands, dusting all the sand off his fingertips. "Planning on giving the guys some shells, Chenle would go crazy for these things."

A smile curls at your lips, knowing that Chenle would indeed go crazy for shells. You don't know why though.

"Of course, you get most of them. All the pretty ones,"

If it were even possible, your smile stretches wider, reaching your ears, and you tighten the towel around you as if it would ground you from the amount of love you feel towards Donghyuck.

And then it hits you. The urge to say the 3 words. It's so easy, it's perfect, you feel it completely towards Donghyuck, even if he's just tossing shells into a container.

"I love you," It slips out without you knowing, oh so naturally, and you feel complete satisfaction when you say it. Why have you never done it before?

Donghyuck doesn't seem to notice at first, as it came out as a quiet mumble. He does realize you've said something a moment later, turning to you. "Hmm, what was that baby? I didn't catch that,"

Your heart thumps, but it's not out of nervousness, it's excitement, it's pure happiness, it's love. Your lips part, and the words slip out once again, so naturally, and it feels 10 times better than before. "I love you,"

Donghyuck stops completely in his tracks, eyes widening and lips gaped. "W-what?"

"I love you."

Donghyuck scrambles next to you, his hands trembling as he takes yours in them. His touch is soft, softer than usual, intertwining them in a lock. "You love me?"

"I love you, goddamn it!"

A smile finally lifts his lips up, his grin brighter than ever. His eyes glisten, and you're not sure if it's because of his happiness, or the glistening of the bright sun in his eyes, or tears. You want to believe he’s just feeling happy, you wouldn’t want him to cry.

It’s a little bit too late for you to be wishing that, as he sniffles with a laugh, dragging you into his embrace as he attacks your cheeks, your nose, chin, eyelids, every inch of your skin with kisses and much love.

His hands leave yours as you try to push him away with laughs, instead clasping at your cheeks, as he leaves a long kiss on your forehead. He pulls away, alas, but you’re sure he’s not finished. Donghyuck has tears glistening on his cheeks, but they’re far from sorrow, they’re signs of love, adoration and utmost care.

He sighs, almost dreamily, as you softly wipe his tears away.

“Say it again,” He murmurs into your palm.

“I love you,” You repeat.


“I love you,”


“Lee Donghyuck, I love you! How many times must I say it before you believe me?”

This loving smile quirks up into a playful smirk, as he taps a finger to his chin to feign contemplation. “A thousand.”

Donghyuck grows confused when you pull away from his hug, watching as you hop back into your seat in his car trunk. A knowing grin creeps on his lips when you get comfortable, and pull out your fingers.

“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love Lee Donghyuck, I love Donghyuck Lee, I love Peter Lee, I love my loving boyfriend whom I love–”

“Alright! I get it, you love me!” His playful and teasing tone is back, and his gaze has a hint of mischief as well, as he climbs next to you.

Instantly, he brings you into his embrace, planting a kiss on your lips, laughing at the light taste of sea salt and sand. There’s a silence between you too, ever so peaceful, as you listen to only Donghyuck’s heartbeat, and the swaying of the sea.

Your lover breaks the silence not long after that, looking down at you, causing you to automatically look up at him.

“Say it one more time?”

“I love you, Lee Donghyuck,”

FInally, a sense of peace and assurance waves over him after minutes of disbelief. You can sense this, you can almost physically see it as he shuts his eyes as if to savor the moment.

His fingers dance with yours in a lock, “I love you more.”

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