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🌻: huge ass fucking writers block until someone on tumblr gave me an idea!!! I thank god for them or i would have been dead writing 😹

🌻: huge ass fucking writers block until someone on tumblr gave me an idea!!! I thank god for them or i would have been dead writing 😹

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Lee Haechan will never trust Lee Jeno again. Ever.

Technically, he hates himself too, but he'll only put all the blame on Lee Jeno.

When he said he could swoon anyone, he didn't mean for him to pick you. His crush of 2 years. God, he's not gonna swoon you, you're gonna swoon him!

And now here he finds himself, staring straight at you, ignoring the math lesson as he notices each and every move you make. He notices how you tap your pen on your notebook, before spinning it between your fingers. It's cool.

You know what would also be cool? If you could play with his hair like that. Yeah that would be so-

Suddenly, the fingers he had imagined to be twiddling and twirling his hair is suddenly waving in front of him, and through those fingers, he sees your confused face, and a small amused smile playing on your lips.

Donghyuck's eyes wide, you note, and his head turns very slowly back to the front and his eyes are gone from yours.

He hears your laugh next to him, ever so soft and melodious. He's sure if he heard it too often he'd mistake his favorite song for your laugh.

After a few minutes, you've focused back on class, but Donghyuck can't help but focus on you.

Your eyes in a hurry, darting up to the whiteboard, before down at your notebook, your lip that is caught between your teeth in concentration, hell, how you would pick on the lint of your sweater by habit.

And now that's he's really paying attention to you, he notices how you're left handed. Donghyuck wants to thank Jaemin for waking him up so early in the morning, if not then he wouldn't have been able to snatch the seat next to you.

The more he stares at your lint picking, the more he wants to hold your hand. That's it, he could swoon you like that, right?

Not so smoothly, your seatmate's hand shifts slowly closer to yours, tapping on the cold desk. You very much notice how close he's getting to your hand, and yet you don't shift a single bit.

His fingers are so close to yours, just about hovering right next to them. You can feel his warmth already, feel his fingertips brush just on top of your knuckles. And before you know it, Donghyuck has set his hand right on top of yours, his fingers shyly slipping between yours.

Took him long enough.

You turn to look at your seatmate, only to find his lips quirked up, eyes glued on his notebook, where he scribbles many patterns, and strangely, a soft hue of pink dusting his cheekbones and nose.

Is Lee Haechan really blushing because he held your hand? Now, that's not too Haechan like to you.

A sudden surge of confidence runs through your veins, resulting you to be bold enough to twist your hand around, and intertwine your fingers properly with his.

Though, the second this happens, all your confidence flies away, and you find a hot sensation traveling through your body. It's spreading from your hand held in Donghyuck's, to your neck, and all around your face.

Are you seriously blushing too?!

One glance at your face, and Donghyuck knows he's swooned you. And he knows that one glance at his, you've swooned him.

He suddenly doesn't hate Lee Jeno that much.

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