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It's the 25th of December, and instead of spending it at home, cozy, watching Home Alone (or Die Hard, Donghyuck insists it's a Christmas movie

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It's the 25th of December, and instead of spending it at home, cozy, watching Home Alone (or Die Hard, Donghyuck insists it's a Christmas movie.) with a warm cup of hot cocoa and Donghyuck by your side, your boyfriend decided to bring you to one of his friend's Christmas parties.

You're sure you don't know this friend, because all his closest friends are either guests, or spending it at home, like how you would like to. At first, Donghyuck's excitement and how he described the host encouraged you to attend the party, but everything's just moving way too fast, the amount of people you're meeting is just too overwhelming.

So for now, you find comfort in sitting on the couch, with your punch (The eggnog was definitely expired. Donghyuck wouldn't let you drink a single drop of it.) in hand, and you try to make as little interactions as possible.

You would want to leave, ask to leave to your sweet sweet home with warmth and nobody squishing against you, but as you watch Donghyuck, who's across the room, joking around and having so much fun with his friends, you can't help but choose to stay.

Donghyuck's talking to Renjun, one of your closest friends as well, about something you're sure that he isn't very interested in. Your boyfriend merely nods and swirls his drink as Renjun goes on and on, but you get why he keeps the conversation going. Renjun looks so passionate about the topic, his eyes wide with excitement and hands moving round and round.

You can't help but feel giddy, just looking at Donghyuck has your heart buzzing and beating dangerously.

Just a moment later, there's a bump next to you, and you turn to find that some guy has shoved a spot into the very full couch. He's drunk, obviously, his eyes droopy and breath stinky.

He turns to you, and smiles sheepishly, "Sorry, I just needed to sit down."

Okay, what about the empty armchair just a few feet away from this specific couch?

You choose to suck it up, and not to complain about his terrible choices of a resting area. "It's okay."

The person next to the guy, is clearly not okay with it, and he elbows the drunk guy. "Dude, what the fuck?"

Donghyuck halts at the sound of a commotion, and even Renjun halts, and they both turn their heads, to find the problem sitting on the couch. Right next to you.

Donghyuck's heart twists and his stomach sinks when he sees the very uncomfortable look on your face, the way your fingers dig into the sides of your sweater.

"Shit, give me a moment,"

Renjun has no complaints, none at all, even encouraging Donghyuck to go and save you.

You feel the anger creeping up more and more with every moment spent next to 2 people arguing, your anxiety growing stronger along with it. You jolt when you feel a tug at your hand, almost jerking back, before you realize it's your boyfriend, with the softest concerned expression on his face.

Donghyuck's hand intertwines with yours, before he tugs you up gently, taking you away from the messy situation. You don't even think about that right now, when your attentions fully captivated by your lover, glaring at the people, his arms protectively embracing you. All your discomfort and anxiety dissipates, replaced with a feeling of fondness and love for Donghyuck.

He leads you away, towards Renjun, you presume, before you can finally focus on anything else. He sneers at the sight of the argument still heating by the couch, before he turns back to you. Donghyuck's hand is warm and gentle as he slides it up and down your arm comfortingly. "You okay?"

You merely nod, seemingly unable to find your words, gulping them down. Donghyuck frowns at the sight, "Words?"

You can't help but chuckle at his need of affirmation, nodding and intertwining your hands together. "No, yeah, I'm fine." You sigh a moment later, the relief coming back. "Thank you for getting me out of there,"

Your heart stutters at Donghyuck's charming, cheshire smile. "Anytime, baby." his smile is replaced with a pout, as the worry in his eyes grow. He strokes at your side, you can feel his thumb burning against your skin. "Wanna head home now? It's getting a little late," His gaze is so caring, so loving, you're overwhelmed by how much you're receiving.

"No, no! You're having so much fun! Don't waste that just because of me,"

Donghyuck would do anything for you. Mention the warmth of home? The car's already ready outside.

After minutes of arguing whether to stay or go, Donghyuck surrenders, but at a price of having you by his side. You joke about how you would die of boredom at Renjun's big brain talk, but agree.

You're not so sure if it was the best idea, however. Though you're by your source of comfort and safety, you still can't help but notice every small detail about this party, the obnoxious fights going on in every corner, the drink being spilled, the people shoving against you. (Donghyuck want to curse at the person, but you stop him.)

It's getting pretty out of hand, as you can't help but feel a little too uncomfortable being in such an environment.

No doubt Donghyuck notices, your unintentional grip on his sweater alerts him.

He's had enough of it, when you start to sigh and shift around constantly.

"Hey, look Renjun, loving the topic of... things., Renjun rolls his eyes, he's been talking about absolute bullcrap, after he found out Donghyuck had been paying attention to nothing but you, he started mentioning all his sleeping habits, and saying the strangest things, but Donghyuck still wouldn't listen to him. "but we gotta go home. Um, got some plants to... walk. I'll see you later!"

You don't realize you're walking out the door, not until Donghyuck leans down to place a quick peck by your cheek. "Wait, where are we going?"


"But I thought—"

Donghyuck chuckles at your confused state, shrugging. "I wanted to go home and chill with you. Cuddles and kisses, maybe a show, you up for some Brooklyn 99?" He suggests, knowing you would never turn down the offer of your favorite show.

"Lee Donghyuck I love you."

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