Drunken Encounter #1

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A/N: TW: Mentioning Sexual stuff (like a lot, probably enough to be considered SMUT but I don't care), Swearing, Mentioning Sexual Assault.

I wrote one Smut oneshot but I don't like to share SMUT with others cuz I cringe at reading my own, others are fine (though I tend to not read SMUT in general.) Why am I talking about this, this probably isn't SMUT anyway. Whatever, read! Vote! (Or not cuz whatevs)

(Rae POV)

With hesitation, I looked at the stick in my hand nervously, needless to say I was absolutely terrified. It was just one night between us and I haven't even spoken to him since then, he's my best friend yet he's all but ghosted me for the past week or so. If he ghosted me because we had sex then what's he gonna say when I tell him I'm fucking pregnant?

Reading the results, my knees immediately felt weak as my breath hitched in the back of my throat, it's just my luck that I finally hook up with the guy I've been crushing on for the past few years and when I do? I get fucking pregnant, all because I didn't use a damn condom. The weirdest part is that I've had tons of sex without using a condom and I've never gotten pregnant any of those times.

Is it ironic? Is it ironic that the first time I have sex with the one guy I've wanted to for years now, I don't use a condom and he finishes inside and now I'm fucking pregnant! On our first time! The worst part is that I know full well that I'm keeping this damn child, my mom would quite literally shun me from the family if I had an abortion, even if it was out of wedlock, and I can't lose my family, I lost almost all my friends due to my recent social media drama so losing my family on top of them would really suck.

But what the fuck am I gonna do? I can't have a baby at 30 years old! I'm gonna be labelled a geriatric parent! And before you know it, I'll be 33 years old with a dumb toddler who keeps asking "why, why, why?" and then I'll be 46 years old with a know-it-all teen who keeps asking where her dad is, and then what do I say? I'm sorry kid but your dad doesn't know you even exist or I'll say, I'm sorry kid but your dad doesn't want you.

Stupid fucking party, if I hadn't gone then maybe we wouldn't have had sex with each other, I don't even think he likes me romantically, I think I was just so drunk that I practically threw myself at him, with his confidence what was he gonna do? Say no? Of course not, he's too shy for that. I don't even know why he was there, he told me multiple times that he wasn't going to the party and that he had to stream or something, was he lying to me? Was he trying to surprise me or something? Well let me tell ya something, this is quite a big surprise!

I can't even fathom how to tell him either, he hasn't replied to a single one of my messages for an entire week, I should at least start a conversation with him first and then tell him but how can I start a conversation if he won't even reply, I can't just message him saying "I'm pregnant and you're the father." He'd freak the fuck out at that, he'd probably never talk to me ever again and I'd be stuck raising a kid alone in my 30's and 40's.

I can imagine it now, I'm picking up my kid from kindergarten and I'm in my car and I'm looking at all the different people in all the different cars and I'm just noticing them, that girl's 21 at least, that guy looks about 24, that couple can't be over the age of 22. In short, I'm gonna be a dinosaur compared to them, I can't raise a child at this age, kids were always in my life plan but at this point I just thought it was too late, and I certainly wasn't planning to get pregnant from a one-time thing with my best friend in a drunken encounter.

I. Am. Fucked.

(Sykkuno POV)

"Damn it! Just talk to her Sykkuno! You flipping idiot! She's the girl you've liked for years now and you're ghosting her after you finally have sex with her! What the hell is wrong with you? You know you enjoyed it, having sex with her, so why the hell are you not speaking to her, she's sent you so many messages and you haven't replied to a single one of them! Hell! You haven't even read them! Sooner or later you're gonna lose her if you don't reply! That's not what you want is it? She already lost all of her other friends and you decided to stick by her instead of them, but now? You're no better than they were for leaving. Pathetic."

What the hell do I do, I love Rae, I really love her, but I assaulted her. She was drunk and I took advantage of that, I had sex with her when she was drunk, I'm a horrible person. I sexually assaulted my best friend, the only girl I've ever loved, and now? How can I possibly talk to her, let alone be in the same room as her? I should probably just leave her alone from now on.

The saddest part is that she's messaged me so much over the past week asking to talk to me and telling me that she misses me, she misses me. The poor woman probably doesn't even remember what happened that night, how I took advantage of her, and to think I was so in love with her that I even dreamed of starting a family with her, well that's not happening now.

One thing's for sure. I definitely have to talk to her, I can't leave her like all our other friends did. I have to say something, at least apologise and say goodbye.

A/N: Just to clear it up, *In story* Sykkuno did not "rape" Rae, he's just overreacting to what actually happened, Rae did throw herself at him when drunk. Sykkuno's not a rapist and I don't want anyone to think of these two in the same sentence. (I know I am rn but shush)

Anyway I still have corona and let me tell you something, people that say you can't taste or smell anything are lying, you can taste and smell but it's one singular taste/smell that I can't identify, I can still taste if something is good or bad and I can taste the fizz in fizzy but more general stuff all tastes the same. For example, I don't like sushi (I know, sue me) so if I eat sushi I can taste that it's bad.

Anyway hope you enjoyed.

1225 Words.

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