Truth or Drink (SMUT Chapter)

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A/N: As teased in the previous story A/N's, this is a smut chapter centred around the roomies truth or drink video a couple months back, the question I used to spark the whole thing is something like "describe in detail the best sex you've ever had", I'm not sure if that's even one in the video but oh well, let's just get started alright?

Sykkuno, Rae and the other roomies had a revolutionary idea, they had all moved in together (Sykkuno part-time) because they genuinely just wanted to live together, as well as for convenience and a whole host of other reasons, they weren't expecting to become a content house and upload daily videos or anything, after all, more than half the house were already in orgs, Rae and Leslie in 100 Thieves and Yvonne in OTV, but after the positive reception from the fans of the five roomies living together, they figured why not? Why not film videos together? It's not like they were breaking away from their orgs or anything, the fans demanded it, so they shall get it, and what better video to start off the craze than a hilarious game of truth or drink? Where the five popular streamers would spill some of their secrets to any viewer who was just watching.

And so that's what they were doing, the roomies were all playing Truth or Drink for a God-tier YouTube video, and Emily, Leslie's assistant and the one asking them all the questions, certainly had an obscene question to ask of them. "Explain in detail the best sex you've ever had." Emily asked them the next inappropriate question from a long list of them, it was almost as if this question served to get them all to drink a bit of alcohol, for they all immediately downed their red party cups without hesitation, well, all except Sykkuno... not that Emily noticed the fact that he didn't drink.

"Alright! Next question." Emily exclaimed with some enthusiasm at seeing the four cringe from the consumption of alcohol before moving onto the next question, Sykkuno had almost gotten away with it, if only one of the roomies hadn't noticed that he didn't drink.

"Wait!" Leslie shouted out of nowhere, prompting Emily to stop speaking as all eyes went to her, though her eyes gazed at Sykkuno, telling the others of the realisation she had just come to. "Sykkuno didn't drink." She spoke slowly and with suspense in her tone as all eyes diverted towards the shy man, noticing that his cup was indeed still full, with that in mind, they all reacted to that information in unison in the very same way as each other.

"Ooh!" All the women in attendance simultaneously "oohed" at Sykkuno as the pressure was really on him now, Rae being the one to question him on what his decision would be.

"Are you gonna drink, Syk?" Rae excitedly questioned the man who looked to be thinking about it, a grin on her face as she considered the alternative, for him to spill his beans about the best sex he's ever had, Rae knew it'd be good content for their YouTube video, the infamous Sykkuno, known for his wholesomeness, exposed for being a dirty dog in the sheets, it'd get millions of clicks for sure, and by the looks of it with what he said next, it looked as if Sykkuno was going to reveal all to his friends...

"Well... I really can't drink much more, I'm already past my limit." Sykkuno spoke about how it'd be a dangerous idea for him to drink much more and risk being genuinely drunk on camera, after all, he had to protect his image more than anything, not that explaining his best sex in detail was much better, whatever he inevitably chose, they were all egging him on, Rae doing so most.

"Oh?" Rae questioned if he was really considering the alternative of revealing such an explicit answer, and at first glance, Sykkuno seemed to be considering doing so as well.

"Well, you see..." They were all on the edges of their seats, all with wide grind painting their faces as they waited for Sykkuno to say more, and that he did, he revealed his shocking answer to them, to Emily, to the minimal camera crew, and most importantly, to all of their fans... "How could I describe the best sex I've ever had in detail if I've never had sex before?" Sykkuno posed a question to the roomies of how he could explain any of that whilst being a virgin before letting out a few dry laughs, only to immediately stop laughing soon after as he'd caused an uproar.

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