Welcome to LS... #1

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(Kyrae POV)

Hi, my name is Kyrae, my parents abandoned me on the doorstep of St. Agatha's orphanage when I must have been only a month old, maybe that's why I have this weird condition. Whenever I meet someone I immediately get so attached to them, so much so that if they leave for two seconds without saying goodbye I immediately begin hyperventilating and crying, even though I barely know the person.

Anyways today's the day, I'm out of that damn orphanage and I'm on a plane to Los Santos, the place where dreams come true, as well as the place where you can do whatever you want without any real consequences. My goal was to make so many friends and meet so many new people who'll love me no matter who I am or what I do.

When I got to the airport I exited the plane and made it all the way to the street, the only thing I had on me was my phone and my ID card, I went into the yellow pages looking for a taxi service that could take me into the city. After scrolling on my phone for a while I found one that was called 'UwU Ubers', the name sounded cute so I called the number and the phone ringed for 10 seconds or so until a woman began speaking on the other side.

"UwU, hello, this is UwU Ubers, do you need an Uber?" A soft, anime style voice spoke through the phone. "Hello? Yes I'd like a taxi from the airport, I just arrived in town and I saw in your ad that you give tours? Are you able to come right now?" I spoke softly as I waited for her reply anxiously. "Yeah I can do that, do you need plastic surgery? I can also show you how to do that." The woman replied, calming my nerves as I responded with a yes. "That would be great if you don't mind." "Okay are you on the upper or lower entrance?" She asked me, to which I replied upper. "Upper." "Okay I'll be right there!" She exclaimed. "I love you, bye!" I said goodbye, nervous as to whether she would return my remark or not. "Yep, bye, just wait a couple minutes." She hung up, relieving me that she said goodbye.

With some time to spare, I continued scrolling through my phone, looking at all the apps that were on it. There wasn't much that interested me on it, I had no contacts or text messages from anyone, there were a few apps with jobs that I could do to make money, perhaps I'll look into those later. Finally, I looked at Twatter, whose notifications had been blowing up my phone. I scrolled through, reading all the twats that were being sent when one of them read "Yo.", the person who sent the twat had a handle of Yuno Sykk. Not thinking much of it, I replied to his twat, saying hello. "Hello, I love you. @Yuno Sykk Yo." Upon not receiving a reply from the person, I began hyperventilating though I was quickly stopped when a pink Prius pulled up next to me, a familiar voice telling me to get in. The lettering on the side of the car read 'UwU Ubers' so I got in the back seat knowing that I could trust this person with my life.

"Hello, my name is Annie May, you can call me Annie, where'd you like to go today?" The woman asked. "Well you mentioned something about plastic surgery. My face looks ugly so could we do that?" I replied timidly, to which she nodded and gave an 'mmhmm' before driving off.

(Yuno POV Switch)

I looked on Twatter and saw that someone was asking for an UwU cafe employee. "Any UwU cafe employees around?" to which I replied with a simple "Yo." Not long after, someone replied greeting me back, "Hello, I love you. @Yuno Sykk Yo." The message just weirded me out, so much so that I didn't reply and I continued driving on to the barber shop.

I ran into Benji at Benny's, or more accurately he ran into me. I was getting out of my car when he sideswiped me in his GTR, soon apologising for the ordeal and giving me a bandage. "Oh my god! Yuno are you okay? Oh god here take a first aid kit!" He exclaimed worriedly, though thanks to living in Los Santos, the hit barely hurt, although I still graciously took the bandage. "Hey Yuno I saw some girl on Twatter saying she loves you, I told you you could get all the ladies!" He chuckled as he fixed his car. "Nonono, girls aren't into me! It must have been a mistype!" I denied his claims swiftly. "Oh come on! I think her name was Kyrae or something, if you see her just ask her out!" He continued pestering me as he drove off in his newly fixed GTR.

'Huh... well that was just weird...' I thought as I got back into my car, fixing it for the second time as I continued to the barber shop. Once I had reached the barber shop I saw a woman sat on the floor outside the shop, head in her knees as she appeared to be crying. Not understanding why she was crying, I approached her to investigate. "Miss? Are you okay?" I questioned confusedly.

(Back to Kyrae POV Switch)

Once we had reached the barber shop I went inside with Annie as she instructed me in what to do to fix my face, during reconstructing my face, Annie went outside in order to take a phone call, not before saying goodbye. "I gotta take this call, I'll be right back, bye." She exited the store while I continued focusing on my face.

I heard tire screeches from outside but I didn't bother looking as I assumed it would just be someone driving by. Once I was done and I thought my face and hair looked good, I payed the woman in the store and left, not bothering to say bye as I heard that locals weren't very talkative to residents of LS. Panic immediately struck as Annie's car was nowhere to be seen, neither was she. My knees immediately felt week as my breath became heavier and I dropped to the ground, burrowing my face into my knees as I began sobbing in tears. I hadn't even gotten her number so there was no way to contact her again, with no other options, I just continued crying on the pavement.

My crying was disrupted when I heard a soft voice call out to me, "Miss? Are you okay?" The voice was very similar to my own and I looked up to see who was there only to be met by a man in a motorcycle helmet and a green suit, I couldn't see his face so I was apprehensive about speaking to him, though since I was desperate for human interaction, I replied to his question. "My best friend just left me! Without saying anything!" I cried, the only person I knew just left me, and I'd never see her again.

"Well hey I can be your friend! I'm Yuno, what's your name?" The sweet voice offered, I recognised the name though I wasn't sure where it was exactly from. "I'm Kyrae, would you really be my friend?" I questioned desperately sniffling, wiping my tears away with my sleeve. "Of course I will! I'll be your new best friend!" He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me into a side hug, though I still felt a teensy bit uncomfortable since I couldn't see his face.

"If you're going to be my best friend, I have to see your face, please?" I asked insistently, though he gave me a nervous reply. "Are you sure? I'm a little ugly people tell me, it's probably best you don't see my face!" He exclaimed as he disconnected from me, now burrowing his face into his knees as he broke eye contact. I didn't say anything before I rested my hand on his back, prompting him to relax as I slowly moved my hands to his helmet, removing it slowly only to reveal his balaclava which I also took the time of removing, once I could see his face i caressed his cheek with my hand, assuring him that he wasn't ugly. "You're beautiful! Don't listen to anyone else!"

"Th-Thanks. Well are ya new to this-" He started, though he quickly stopped speaking as I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes as he hesitantly put his hand on my shoulder, slowly moving it to my hair as he ran his hand through it gently. I could already tell this was going to be the start of something special.

1492 Words.

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