Struck by Lightning

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A/N: This oneshot, as stated in my previous oneshot, is set in a high school AU wherein Sykkuno is a guitarist and a singer, since, y'know, he plays the guitar a little IRL, though he's characterised in high school standards as a "nerd", meanwhile Rae is (like she's talked about herself IRL) more of a stoner girl, smoking weed behind the school with other stoners.

I'm gonna be completely honest, of course. The song at the top is what sparked the idea for this story, it is originally from a musician called Henry Gallagher, you may know it, it's called "Lightning", and it's actually originally from Britain's Got Talent; I think maybe five years ago? Maybe longer than that. Anyway, at the time, Henry Gallagher was 12 years old, and while he's definitely made a better song than I ever could, some of the lyrics could do with improving in places, in my opinion, so I'll try to clean them up when I do them, not that I'm trying to overstep or anything, I hope that's not weird.

If you're wondering what this'd be like, just go and look at my special chapters on my long story for Rae's 30th birthday and also Syk's 31st birthday chapter with them both singing their respective songs, that's how I'd lay it out in terms of singing, anyway, this is already getting a bit long so I'll cut it off here, but uhm, well, enjoy I guess.

(Oh and you don't have to but I recommend listening to the song at least once before reading, again, you don't have to, just a suggestion. Also, legal smoking age is 21 in US, so just imagine this is sometime before 2019, so that it's not illegal)

Mandatory disclaimer: this story is at approximately 23200 words right now, I know, I'm deranged, I know, you're probably going to read it all too, we're all deranged, let's just agree on that mkay? Have fun...

Friday Night

The two high school seniors Rae Hofstetter and Thomas Le, the bestest of friends, were hanging out in Thomas' bedroom on a Friday night, finally done with the week of school as they felt more able to relax and just chill, which is exactly what they were both doing. Well, actually, Rae and Thomas were discussing a song that Thomas had made, one that he planned to perform live, very soon in fact, it would occur just tomorrow, you see, Thomas was planning to take part in the local talent show, the reasons for why exactly eluded Rae as of the current moment, though she'd find out soon enough...

Rae was lying on her front on Thomas' bed, the two were just friends, but Rae came over to his bedroom so much that she felt very comfortable inside it, almost as if it were a second bedroom to her. Anyway, Rae was scrambling through some various pieces of paper dotted around Thomas' bed, you see, it was actually the very song sheets for the original song that he himself had constructed, but Rae didn't have "the gift" herself, she couldn't even read a single musical note, she sucked at music theory.

So while Thomas strummed his guitar, ensuring that it was perfectly tuned for the song, Rae gave up on trying to make any sort of sense of the musical notes before her, instead letting out a lost sigh as she put the scribbles of paper containing his song in a musical format to the side and massaged her temples with her knuckles, remarking on how difficult reading musical theory was for her.

"Gosh, I don't know how you make sense of that stuff, all I see is a bunch of nonsensical symbols. Couldn't you just give me the actual song lyrics to read instead?" Rae questioned Thomas if she could instead get her hands on the lyrics to go with the music instead, seeing as she'd have a much easier time reading that stuff, though Thomas just smirked whilst still fully immersed in strumming his guitar, denying Rae's request after.

"Nope." Thomas brazenly denied Rae the right to read his lyrics as she had asked, shocking the girl who expressed as much in her response.

"Ha. What?" Rae scoffed, questioning Thomas' response. "Why not?" She continued, pestering her friend for a reason as to why she couldn't read the song, why she wasn't allowed to, what good reason was there?

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