Time is The Greatest Distance of All

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A/N: Hey! Looks like you guys actually pulled through! (Not that I didn't think you would) We are now at 20k reads on this book! I love hitting milestones and I'm sure you guys love reading my stories (god that sounds conceited) so I don't ask anything besides for you to keep doing what you love, reading my stories, ugh, cringe.

Well obviously I'm in a predicament, Rae's not going out of the country anymore, and she also revealed that it would've been Canada and for a month, Vancouver is in Canada, lots of movies shot there in great big studios, hm, what a coinkey-dink.

I'm gonna continue this story anyway, anyway, let's get started.

Also this isn't a multi-parter anymore, I tried, but I just suck at that, I hope to do one but that's one I came up with, ultimately I leave the multi-parters to redflame501, they're much better at it than I am, this chapter might be long, but probably not too long, and as you might have noticed, the first part is now a short prologue.

13th July 2022 11:00pm

Now obviously Rae didn't literally forget about that night, that would've been impossible, in fact, she clung onto the memory of that amazing night for so long when she first arrived in Seoul, she immediately felt the effects of his absence and as such the memory of that pleasurable night of love-making and a wonderful date in general often occupied Rae's mind constantly, she was so desperate for her relationship with Sykkuno to not be forgotten so easily, but in all actuality, it kind of was, well, no, it's not that it was forgotten, it's just that, the relationship became less of a thing she thought of, why you ask?

This was for the same reason it always was for long-distance relationships, Rae... she met someone new, simply put, someone that, as hard as it was to admit to herself, she was attracted to right from the jump, but that also didn't mean that she completely fell out of love with Sykkuno, no, not at all, in fact, she liked him arguably even more, hell, a period of time went by that Rae pretended not to have feelings for this new guy, she tried to resist her own attractions, but she couldn't, in the end it was pointless.

And even then, Rae didn't enjoy having feelings for another man, she felt so... disappointed in herself, but it just was what it was, this man's name was none other than Yo Joon, he was a charming, handsome English-speaking actor from South Korea, who often travelled to the states, to California in fact, his name translated to a man who is exceptionally talented (my knowledge of South Korea is limited to a couple K-Dramas I've seen and I'm getting this from a random name generator, sorry if I'm incorrect), and that he certainly was, no wonder Rae was so swept off of her feet by this man.

And before you know it, Rae's one month was up, but of course not everything would be so easy, in fact, her month of filming turned into two months and a half, and the time that Rae and Sykkuno would spend apart would only be longer, Sykkuno was having a tough time already, originally, the poor man thought he would have no problem waiting, considering the original plan was to call each other and FaceTime every single day, and they stuck true to that... for a bit, but eventually Rae was either too busy or too tired to take Sykkuno's calls and soon enough they just stopped video calling altogether, and they barely called each other regularly.

In the end the only thing of Rae Sykkuno had left was Mika and the occasional text about how her progress was going, but maybe the biggest insult to him was that Rae genuinely sounded so happy, and of course that was the only thing Sykkuno ever wanted for her, but honestly it was bad enough that he was hurting inside, hurting severely, he was barely talking to his long-distance girlfriend who was in another country, on another continent, he was miserable without her, meanwhile, Rae was having the time of her life in Seoul, with not a care in the world, and the absolute worst insult? Rae and this new guy's relationship had only developed.

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