My Demonic Valentine (SMUT Chapter)

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A/N: I need to make some things clear otherwise this all seems real confusing, this is set in covid times, however, it's a Valentine's Day story, I don't know much about America's experience with lockdowns but I believe the knowledge of covid widely got out during March, and for England, we went into lockdown shortly after that, anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that this takes place on Feb 14th 2020, even though covid lockdowns and whatnot didn't really start until March, my explanation for that is that it's simply an AU and just roll with it, as well as this, this story has Rae and Syk living alone together, no other friends or whatever, and obviously that didn't happen until 2022, so that's another change I guess.

Also, the more important thing to note is that this is another supernatural themed story, like with the Vampire and Werewolf stories I've done, this one centres around a certain woman being a succubus, I've explained it in detail in the story itself regarding her powers, abilities etc. so that's all I'll say here just so you're aware, although, this is a more romantic story than those other two, at least I hope it will be.

I'd like to clarify that since this is a succubus story, it involves the idea of angels and demons being real, and thus so too is heaven, hell and God, Christian God that is. I don't want to upset anyone if they have religious beliefs that differ from this, or in fact are upset that I might be "appropriating" their religion, that is not my intent. In fact, I don't think I've mentioned the words "Christian" or "Religion" once in this story, so I'm not trying to imply that Christianity is the "correct" religion and all the others are wrong. Believe me, I study Sociology, I know all about how some of the "main" religions believe they have a monopoly of truth and that they're right and everyone else is wrong, and I'm not trying to step on any toes with that.

Ffs, I do one high school story where I refer to Syk as "Thomas" and now I can't stop writing Thomas in place of Sykkuno all throughout this whole story...

Sorry, I'll stop after this, but just decided to sprinkle in Rae calling Sykkuno "kkuno" instead of "Syk", it's just a cute nickname that hardly gets the attention it deserves, so anyway, that's that.

(Pic at the top is beyond cute btw)

Valkyrae is... a succubus. More commonly known as the 'sex demon', the succubus preys on men either in their dreams or in the physical plane to absorb and consume the only known substance to demonkind capable of sustaining them, semen. Without it, these demons of the night would be exposed for what they really are, just that, demons, beasts straight from the realm of hell, yes, it's real, it's all real, Heaven, hell, all of it exists, though they largely kept to themselves, no human had ever known about it because most of the time, demons and angels never had any need of going to Earth, so they didn't, that is, except the one known as Rae.

You see, semen helps demons to establish their human form, just like Angels can shapeshift to walk among men should they so desire, so too can the demonic creatures of the realm of fire and brimstone, only they usually require something to help them do so, for succubi, well, that just so happens to be most straight women's favourite consumable substance discovered, cum. For Valkyrae, her human form just so happened to be a short, Filipina, long-haired woman with somewhat insignificant assets, but of course that was just her human self, in her true, demonic form, she was another creature entirely, literally and figuratively.

As for why Valkyrae found herself roaming the Earth, well, you see, unlike the general populace of the succubi and incubi species who just used humans as victims to gain special powers and abilities, Rae herself never relished in the sex. It was just something that she had to do, something routine and mundane to keep her dark secret hidden, she never enjoyed pleasuring the sleazy men she came across, nor any man in general, it was just more of a chore for than it was any type of pleasure.

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