Love is a Chemical Reaction (SMUT Chapter)

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A/N: Think it's long overdue that I do a full dedicated SMUT chapter on this book since it's been a while since I did the last one, coming up on an entire month since then, I originally got this idea as a request from redflame501 who got it as a request from someone else but I decided I wasn't interested in doing it but have since then changed my mind and repurposed it into a SMUT chapter, gonna try and do this one completely in third person since I've never done that before (have I?) and need practice for another one that I had that's coming soon hopefully.

Also if in that future SMUT chapter you happen to see a lot of descriptors regarding sexual actions and appearances then just know that I wanted to test some of it out here before using it there.

If this gets too long I might split it into two chapters or just keep it as one big SMUT chapter Idk man. By the way I'm just saying this is probably going to be very, very long in its full uncut version, the plan was like 6256 words so hope that provides an idea for the overall finished chapter length.

Future me talking: Y'know what? I'm keeping it as one chapter, but I'll say the word count before the story, not after, this story currently stands at 24045 Words (my largest chapter ever), and I'm not cutting it at all, you decide if you want to read it, at the very least you could vote on it, it's not like this took me about a week to complete, and I've been writing since 6am today and it's currently 10pm, please vote, you'll crush my soul if you don't.

Also don't think I'm going to give SMUT warnings since the smut is kinda throughout and it would be way too much effort to deal with.

(Third Person Perspective)

Our story opens on neither Sykkuno nor Rae, this particular story opens on a certain well-known streamer who had recently won an award for best strategy game streamer, yes, you may have thought right, this story opens on the Disguised Toast.

Now Disguised Toast has been having some relationship troubles as of late, well, he wasn't in a relationship, but that was where his troubles originated from, he may not have been in an active relationship, but he damn well wanted to be, and who was it that he wanted to be in a relationship with? The one and only, kkatamina, a.k.a Miyoung, oh fair Miyoung, how Toast loved her oh so, so dearly.

There was one slight problem though, she simply didn't feel the same, Toast remembers the confrontation clear as day, he was attending the after party of the streamer awards hosted by the Cleanbois at the Cleanbois Manor, and admittedly, he did have one too many drinks and definitely passed his limit in reference to how many drinks he could hold before becoming heavily intoxicated, and like always when Toast got drunk, Miyoung was the lucky gal who got to take care of him in that state.

Now I won't go too into it since this is not their story after all, but Toast, in a slightly drunken state, and by that I mean a very drunken state, may have accidentally let slip that he was in love with the sweet, South Korean girl who was pure infectious positivity, and let's just say that Miyoung didn't exactly reciprocate his love on the spot, in fact, she didn't say anything, what she did do was simply leave him hanging, and even after he sobered up he remembered the entire conversation as clear as day, and he was just absolutely crushed by her.

From then on, Toast had been doing extensive research into ways that he could make a woman fall in love with him, he tried sprays, he tried food, he even tried slathering himself in thick, slimy honey to make Miyoung more attracted to him, but of course, since those were all just rumours, none of those previous methods worked one bit.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is when Toast turned away from the internet and to something much more sinister, the dark web, he scoured the web for answers, doing everything in his power to ensure that he wouldn't get hacked by some terrorist group and get himself involved in a major scandal regarding his streaming career, but after a week's work, in which time by the way, Sykkuno had moved into the CB manor, Toast eventually got results, meeting an alchemist in a chat room who promised that he had exactly what Toast was looking for, as well as an address to an apothecary somewhere in LA, and an appointment to meet at said apothecary on the very next day.

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