The Night We Met

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A/N: Alternate play of events on how they first met IRL, whatever, you don't wanna see me, you wanna read the story.

Accidentally published lol, if that's what you were wondering. - Was much longer than 10 minutes lol but it happened eventually.

(Sykkuno POV)

"So Sykkuno, are you excited for tonight?" Lily asked me, diverting her attention away from the road for a moment. "I mean I guess so, Rae seems like a pretty cool person, I'd love to get to know her better." I replied hesitantly. Rae and I had only known each other for a few weeks now. Though we've only played together a few times and we rarely talked when we weren't playing games together, she already felt as if she could become someone special in my life, at least I hope that's the case and that she wouldn't leave me like everybody else eventually ends up doing.

Tonight was pretty random in fact, Lily just messaged me out of the blue and asked me if I wanted to go to dinner with her and Rae, I didn't have anything else to do so I thought 'why the hell not?' and agreed. Besides, I couldn't pass up on the opportunity to meet Rae in person, not to sound like a stalker or anything but I'd studied pictures of her and I noticed that she was incredibly attractive, not only that but I was also slightly attracted to her, her face, her body, her voice, her personality, all of it was very attractive to me, though the only problem was that girls aren't into me, so there's really no chance of us ever happening in my mind.

"So, Rae. You like her?" Lily questioned me, I've known Lily since high school, meaning she also knew me extremely well, she knew when I liked a girl, a girl such as Rae for example. I only rolled my eyes at her question which she seemed to notice as she continued pestering me. "Oh you do, do you? Well let me tell you she was very excited when I told her you were coming, who knows? Maybe she feels the same way about you." Lily continued, my ears pricked up upon hearing her say that Rae might like me back, though it was extreme unlikely, I had some small semblance of hope. "Hopefully." was all I managed to get out, distracted by the image of Rae floating around in my head. In fact, as we grew closer to the restaurant all I could think about was Rae, what she would smell like, what she would be wearing, what she was like offstream, what her lips might taste like... I mean uh, never mind.

(Rae POV)

I'm actually so excited for tonight! And so nervous too. For some reason whenever I even think about Sykkuno my heart skips a beat and I get this strange feeling like butterflies in my stomach, we've only known each other for a few weeks and I know it may sound strange but I actually can't picture my life without him. It might just be because I've been going through a breakup recently and I feel the need to connect with others but Sykkuno feels different, I can't quite explain it he's just... different. I'm incredibly grateful to Lily for bringing him into the group, he's been so nice and kind and sweet and I just really appreciate him.

The restaurant we were going to was coincidentally right next to my house, it was genuinely a 5 minute walk there, though in that five minutes my mind was just constantly on Sykkuno, I wondered what he was actually like offstream, there's no way he was actually that kind and gentle and nice in real life, though I do hope so. I wondered what his voice actually sounded like, if his voice is actually that soft and timid then I'd be shocked, he sounds like an actual angel from heaven, there's no way that's real. The one thing that I was kind of low-key hoping was real was his introvert nature, I feel like I could really help him grow out of his shell and in the process of that we'd only grow closer, which is something I actually really desire for us.

I was now right around the corner from the restaurant, I saw what I'm pretty sure was Lily's car drive past me as I was on the sidewalk and then it went into the parking lot, I only caught a glimpse of someone in the passenger seat though I didn't really get a good look since they were moving in a car. The one problem, I actually didn't know what Sykkuno looked like! I thought about looking him up and finding a picture of him online but I didn't know if that was weird or not so I ultimately decided against it. I figured I would just wait by the door of the restaurant for them to arrive so that we could walk in together, I was staring in the direction of the parking lot when I could just about make out Lily and someone I didn't recognise beside her, as they got closer to me I could her indistinct speaking coming from them and it sounded like Sykkuno's voice, meaning that was him. Oh my god.

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