Valkyrae's Birthday Hot Tub Stream

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A/N: I understand it's not actually Rae's birthday yet but I've got a chapter coming out for that on my long stories book so I figured why not do this one here now and then that one on the day of her birthday. (8th January 2022)

It's another long one.

Quite intimate in some areas, teetering a very fine line between intimacy and smut but I wouldn't say smut. I guess that's up to you though and so what if I write light smut? I'm never gonna write full on hardcore sexual acts but light, soft core stuff doesn't bother me as much as it used to. This might just be my most intimate chapter yet, like across all my books (except for that one forgotten smut chapter that most people have probably never read, trust me you don't want to). Enough of my ranting it's not smut anyway.

(Rae POV)

"How did I let you talk me into this?" Sykkuno sighed, taking his sweatpants off to leave him in his green swim shorts as I bit my lower lip slightly, seeing him strip in front of me. He began to take his shirt off and I was entirely tempted to just let him, though I rested my hand on his chest, feeling his abs as I told him not to. "Nono wait, not the shirt, we're gonna be doing a sub goal for that!" I exclaimed, perhaps resting my hand on his chest for a little longer than necessary. "And you're doing this because you're my best friend, who I love and appreciate very much!" I continued, smiling as I gazed into the deep pools that were his eyes. "I do love you." He replied, maintaining eye contact which surely succeeded in making my heart flutter. We continued just staring into each other's eyes as the whole world faded away, if only that were the truth.

I saw the pools of brown, muddy sea water get larger and larger, I was confused as to why when I noticed that he was leaning in, out of instinct, I started leaning in too and as our lips were just about to touch, the door opened, revealing Miyoung. "Hey Rae- Oh... you guys look busy, I'll come back!" She exclaimed, practically sprinting out of the room as we stepped away from each other, clearing our throats and averting our gazes while the awkward tension in the room rose drastically. "We should- we should probably-" We both spoke in unison, desperately trying to distract ourselves from how we were just about to kiss each other.

"I'll see you out there Syk!" I smiled, noticing how red my face was becoming as I rushed out of the room. As I opened the door I took one last look back and saw him staring at the ground, clenching his fists as if he looked disappointed in himself, I sighed and closed the door, heading back to my other friends to get the stream started.

(Sykkuno POV)

'Damn it! How did I let that happen? You should've just swept her up into your arms and frickin' kissed her! That was literally the perfect opportunity!' I berated myself for not just doing what I really wanted to do which was kissing Rae. That's all I've wanted to do for the longest time now and I just missed what was probably my only shot. "Sykkuno! C'mon! Stream's starting!" I heard Toast shouting from downstairs so I gently slapped myself to bring my mind to the forefront of my imagination and I headed downstairs, feeling more focused.

Once I had reached the bottom of the stairs I could hear indistinct voices coming from the backyard, it sounded like Rae doing what I assume was her stream intro. After listening to her soft voice speaking to chat for a while I headed outside, only to see Rae in a cute, pink catgirl onesie, already making herself comfortable inside the hot tub. She wasn't the only one in fact, Miyoung, Toast, Brooke, Emma and Tina were all in the large hot tub, though only Toast and I were in regular clothes while all the girls were dressed in different onesies.

"Alright chat, now it's time to introduce our special guest!" Rae exclaimed exaggeratedly while noticing me standing out of the camera frame. She gestured for me to come over though I hesitated since I was nervous, something she seemed to pick up on as she almost immediately jumped out and rushed over to me while all the water was dripping off of her fur suit. "Look c'mon! It'll be fine! I promise!" She whispered to make sure chat wouldn't hear, taking my hand as she began moving into frame, allowing myself to be pulled by her. "Our special guest is... Sykkuno!" She put her exaggerated voice back on, doing jazz hands to show me off to her 60,000 viewers.

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