The End of The 48 Hour Stream

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A/N: Hello! I am returning to oneshots! This chapter is as you could guess by the title based around the 48 hour stream, more specifically what happens after it ended, it'll probably be a shorter chapter, just to ease myself back into the transition of writing oneshots again, not sure how much shorter though, best guess would be like 5000 words maybe less idk, anyway, enjoy!


The past couple days had been... intensive, for Valkyrae, she was doing her second 48 hour stream in the past year or so, because she lost a bet, against herself... though this one actually felt worse than the previous one that she had done with Miyoung in the basement of the old OTV house, because instead of doing one singular 48 hour stream where she could sleep for some of it every so often, this was multiple streams combining up to a total of 48 hours.

Now, you may think, "why not just do eight 6 hour streams? Or six 8 hour streams?", and that would've been a valid suggestion, although Valkyrae, didn't have much of a brain after so long, instead she spent her days cramming in as many hours as she could, the first stream was a total of 10 hours, nothing crazy, the second, 16 hours, that one was a little more difficult for Rae, the third was only 4 hours due to some technical difficulties with YouTube Live, but when she came back the fourth? 18 hours, now that was hell for the woman, even with endless amounts of caffeine in her system.

But she did it, the stream was over and Rae didn't feel like streaming again for another week, much to the dismay of her fans, whom as the months had progressed through 2022 got to see less and less of their favourite streamer due to Rae having a healthier work-life balance nowadays.

So, Rae ended the final night of her 48 hour stream after a grand total of an 18 hour session, and she was exhausted! After saying goodbye to her chat she turned off her computer and lied back in her chair, the only thing she was feeling was hunger, all she had eaten through that stream was candy, so much candy that she'd be working out even harder to burn off all those calories for the next week or so, but right now? One thing was for sure, Rae needed sustenance.

She did have one idea, and it involved another roomie of hers, the roomie whose bedroom was right across the hall from her own, barely awake, Rae dragged her feet across her carpeted floor and out of her door, leaving it open as she made the short journey across the hall to her roomie's room, Sykkuno's room.

*knock knock knock*

Rae knocked on Sykkuno's door and awaited an answer, or for him to open the door, it was the latter option, Sykkuno opened his bedroom door and stepped right out, only for Rae to tiredly collapse onto Sykkuno's chest as her body pushed up against his, making him jump slightly.

"Whoa! Rae? Are you okay?" Sykkuno concernedly questioned Rae, holding the woman by her arms as he managed to position her upright again, though she just answered in a way as if she didn't know what had just happened.

"Hm?" Rae hummed cluelessly, looking up at Sykkuno as he managed to see her face for the first time, she looked... incredibly sleepy, no wonder she had just collapsed onto him, her eyes were half closed and she kept on doing long, continuous blinks, one blink spanning seconds instead of multiple over the same time, she didn't look alright at all, Sykkuno could see as much. "Oh, fine." Rae gave probably the most delayed reaction ever, it was a wonder to him that she wasn't already passed out in bed.

"O-Okay, what's up?" Sykkuno stuttered, not fully believing that she was indeed dandy before asking what she had come to him for.

"Do you want food?" Rae questioned Sykkuno out of the blue, food at 1am? He wasn't even sure any places would be open this late, but if Rae wanted food, then he would try and source some from somewhere, just for her.

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