Time is The Greatest Distance of All (Prologue)

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A/N: This story is a request from someone who I shall not name, and it will be a multi-parter story, fun, it is basically based off of the tweet that Rae made a week ago about going out of the country for a month in May, I could've waited until then to do it so I'd know what to make it about but instead I've just come up with my own story on what she will do in that month.

31st March 2022 6:30pm

"Hah. (*sighs*) What a day." Rae just finished her latest stream and sat back in her RAEVIX gaming chair, exhausted by the latest influx of backseaters on GTA RP, but she wouldn't let her mind dwell on those people, she would remain active, and thankfully for her, it was just then that she received a phone call that would undoubtedly change her life forever, who was it from? What was it about? Well, she was about to find out, pretty soon in fact.

"Unknown Caller ID? I guess I should take it just in case." Rae monologued to herself, picking up the call since it could've been gravely important, or it could've also been nothing, but it turned out to be the former, she picked up the call and was immediately met with a foreign voice, foreign as in she didn't recognise it, not foreign as in, well, foreign, conversation ensued.

"Hello? Who am I speaking to?" Rae answered the phone call like she would every phone call, but not every phone call had the offer that she had received from the person.

"A movie, really?" Rae asked after having received an offer to appear in a movie on the big screen, the person calling seemed legit, but she still couldn't believe what she was hearing, her, in a movie, that was something Rae only dreamed.

"Well- uh... when?" Rae asked after struggling to form coherent words after having the offer confirmed by the caller, she needed more information before making some haphazard decision about this offer.

"May?" Rae had been told that it would occur sometime in May, though she wasn't expel what she heard next from the caller. "An entire month!?" Rae exclaimed out of shock and surprise, she had just been told that she would have to go out of the country for an entire month, how could she stream in that time? Where would she stream? Oh boy, she was going to need to think about this, think long and hard about her decision, this was too big not to, she'd need time to decide this, something she made clear to the person on the other side of the call that she was currently a part of.

"Oh gosh, I'll need some time to think about such a monumental decision." Rae negotiated for some time, something she soon received.

"A week? Thank you so much." Rae had been given a week to make her decision, and had been told after she had decided she should call back the same number and inform the caller of what she has decided.

"Goodbye." Rae said her farewell to the caller and promptly hung up the phone not long after, doing the same thing that she had just done maybe 5 minutes ago as she sat back in her chair and let out a heavy sigh, thinking about many things, but mostly herself possibly being in a movie, and not just any movie, a big one, sure, she wouldn't be the main character or even anything close, but that didn't matter one bit to her, it was a dream come true for a younger Valkyrae.

But then again, it was for an entire month, in a country that was mostly, well, completely foreign to her, it was simply too long for the woman.

Rae knew she had to confide in someone, to consult them, but who could she possibly tell? Definitely not Leakslie, Sykkuno... no, not Sykkuno, not yet at least, y'know what? There was only one right choice in any scenario, and that was, yep, you guessed it, Twitter.

With a plan in mind, Rae went onto her alternate account and quickly drafted a tweet in typical Rae style, with too much chaotic energy even in text form, just like Rae would do.

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