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A/N: This is an Amogus AU, I'm running out of ideas and am trying to think of new ones, if you're someone who has ideas for stories but is hesitant on writing them then please give them to me. Please.

This isn't a smut chapter btw, I think any and all smut chapters I do will have: (SMUT Chapter) at the end of it, just to clarify.

I'd say it's another long one but at this point they're all long ones to the point where the normal sized ones are the short ones so I'm going to refer to it as that instead.

Also I have a smut chapter idea that I was thinking of, I'll talk about it at the bottom if you're interested.

(Exclusively Rae POV)

It's just another day on the Skeld ship, it's hard to believe that we started off with 300 crew members, and now there's only ten of us left. All to that damn alien. It's still not clear as to what exactly happened, or how it happened at least. Apparently some alien parasite infected one of the astronauts during a space walk and that's how it got on board.

I remember the massacre though. 300 souls, all in one big sleeping quarters with bunks stacked on top of each other, it seemed efficient when the ship was designed but I guess we never took into account that it was the perfect grounds for an absolute slaughter, bodies piling on top of each other, screams echoing through the room so much so that nothing else could be heard, I'm just lucky that Sykkuno found me, I don't know what would've happened to me if he hadn't.

The only way to escape was the elevator, it was in operation for only ten minutes or so and in that time about 60 something crew members got up to the main floor. We had to lock the floor down meaning we basically sentenced 240 people to their deaths, I still feel a heavy burden about that, I just thank god that it wasn't my decision, I don't think I could've made the same choice, even if it was necessary.

Unbeknownst to us at the time, the alien parasites were very skilled at using the ventilation system in a way that us crew members just couldn't. Because of this it wasn't hard for them to get up to the main floor, we closed the vents off of course, well the ones that led to the sleeping quarters of course, the others were still in full operation. Anyway, from there our numbers started to dwindle at a much slower rate, for our 50 crew members, there were an estimated 10 impostors, these impostors were much more methodical, more scheming, devious even, thus earning them the name impostors.

From there we were forced to hold emergency meetings, we could either use the button in the cafeteria or report a body we found with our radios, though the impostors had access to all the same gadgets we had with a few little abilities of their own, such as being able to shape shift into other people, as well as using the vents to get from place to place in a matter of seconds regardless of the distance. The last ability, the most fear mongering one of all, was the ability to infect others and turn said others into impostors themselves.

But ever since then I've gotten... I don't know... desensitised? I remember the first time I saw a dead body and how my shrieks could be heard throughout the entire ship, and now? Now when I see a dead body, nothing. No reaction at all. I guess this is one of the things that made Syk and I such good detectives, our detachment to everyone and everything as well as our ability to be completely unbiased allowed us to easily root out impostors and solve crimes sometimes before they even happened.

Because we were such great detectives, we also weren't all that afraid, or worried. Everyone else was biting their nails to the quick, sweating nervously, often being afflicted by waking nightmares which was an inconvenience for the rest of us since we hardly could get any sleep. Maybe that was also one of the reasons why I was so detached, because I often got little sleep and didn't show emotion due to my low energy.

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