Contracting a Virus

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A/N: Just a mediocre oneshot set in the ghastly world of COVID-19, I guess all my stories technically are but they never explicitly mention it but this one does. Also, I'm going to be going off of how self-isolation and coronavirus testing works in England since that's where I'm from and I don't want to do a whole bunch of research for a quick oneshot, maybe if it were a long one then I would.

I wrote this at 4am, which is why it sucks, and has no structure or anything good, sorry you get what you get.

(Rae POV)

I just feel so incredibly guilty for Sykkuno, like none of this would've happened if it weren't for my dumbass. I kept on pressuring him to come and live with me because I thought it would be fun and I thought that we'd be able to spend more time together in person, it's no secret that I like Sykkuno, I'm pretty sure everyone in the friend group knows, except for Sykkuno of course. His obliviousness really gets on my nerves sometimes. But I just kept begging him to move in with me until he inevitably folded. And now what's happened? He has coronavirus. And it's all because of my idiotic, teenage crush on him.

The thing with COVID is that it was pretty hard to determine exactly where and when you got it from, Sykkuno drove here from Vegas, he was alone for the entire trip and once he reached LA he came straight to my place, and he hasn't left since he got it. So then the obvious thing would be that either Miyoung or I have it, but we've both tested negative on both types of tests so we don't have it, though we were still self-isolating to be extra safe. But Sykkuno on the other hand, tested positive for both types, it's been four days since he arrived and he's had symptoms ever since.

He mostly stayed in his room which had a bathroom with a shower and his setup which is everything he needed besides food, which I often delivered to him as he was mostly bed-bound. I always made sure to put on a mask and disposable gloves on before entering and use antibacterial wipes on anything he touches when exiting. Seeing him lying in bed like that made me so nervous, I know there was literally less than a 0.1% percent chance of him dying from it but even knowing that did nothing to calm myself from thinking of all of the possibilities, after all, he looked like he wasn't getting any better, despite his constant reassurances that he was.

(Sykkuno POV)

"Dinner time!" I heard Rae's voice from outside of the door as the knocking followed after. "Come *coughs* Come in!" I tried raising my voice which caused me to cough due to my scratchy throat. The latch clicked and the door swung open, revealing Rae in her mask and gloves with her hair tied back, only she could make that look attractive. It's no secret I liked her, why else would I have been so eager to come and live with her? Though in hindsight it probably wasn't the smartest idea I've had now that I actually think about it.

"Hey Syk. On today's menu we have... drumroll please! Some Ramen that Miyoung and I made for you!" She spoke energetically, attempting to brighten the mood as I just smiled weakly. "How are you feeling now? Any better?" She asked, I knew she only had the best intentions for me but hearing her ask that constantly was getting on my nerves. "No better than I was when you asked me at lunch!" I snarked, to which she frowned through her mask at me, prompting me to immediately apologise for my rudeness to her.

"I... I'm sorry Rae, that was mean of me. I'm just... I'm going crazy in here." I apologised, forcing that weak smile to remain on my face. "I understand Syk. You'll get better! I believe you will!" She assured me with all her positivity, though it sounded as if she was trying to assure herself more so than me. I just watched her appreciatively as she put a new tray on my nightstand, replacing the old one which she wiped down and moved over to my desk. She was about to leave before I started experiencing a coughing fit, she then ran to my side and placed her hand on my back, patting it gently. "Rae, you shouldn't be near me! I don't want you to catch it from me!" I practically shoved her away from me, instantly making me regret my actions though as I opened my mouth to speak, she left the room in a hurry. 'Idiot! You're such an idiot!' A thought plagued my mind, though I agreed, what an idiot I am.

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