Drunken Encounter #3

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A/N: 4am rn, tired. I always see oneshots of them getting together but rarely of them already together, which I just realised is not what this story is so this doesn't mean anything. Ignore me, like I said I'm tired.

TW: Intimacy, Drinking.

*1 week ago at the party*

(Rae POV)

How did I let Jeremy rope me into this? None of these guys are even my friends anymore, not after how I treated them during my drama, but maybe I could convince them to make up or something. Dang it, I just wish Sykkuno was here, he always helps me feel so much more relaxed in these stressful situations, it's one of the reasons I love him, though I can never tell him that.

I walked into the large house and immediately found Corpse, one of the few friends I still had left, I immediately struck up a conversation with a him, not having the courage to talk to anyone else just yet, maybe a few shots would do that.

"What the hell am I doing here Corpse? Everybody here fucking hates me except you and Jeremy... where is that idiot?" I asked woefully, feeling dejected as I feel everyone staring at me with their piercing gazes, probably thinking of how much they'd like to beat me senseless.

"Calm down Rae, not everyone hates you." He assured me, though it didn't do much to change my sad expression, something he noticed as he offered me a shot glass. "How 'bout a drink?" He asked as I took the glass, immediately downing the contents of it, causing my face to fold inwards at the bitter taste of the alcohol.

"Vodka? Why didn't you say it was vodka? God, I could have died!" I exclaimed exaggeratedly, to which he replied quite bluntly as always.

"Shut the fuck up Rae! No you would not have, such a drama Queen!" He raised his voice, now giving me another shot which I gracefully accepted, slamming it down the back of my throat once again.

As the night progressed I continued getting dirty looks from everyone around me, instead of calling them out on it I resorted to alcohol, lots and lots of alcohol. I drank so much alcohol that I ended up attached to Corpse's shoulder as he led me through the house in search of Jeremy. Seeing as Corpse can't drive and I was so incredibly drunk to the point where even I knew I was drunk, Jeremy was the only one who would be able to drive us home.

Eventually we found Jeremy, with his tongue down Janet's throat. They were really going at it considering that they were at a party full of people who all knew them both very well, they also don't know that they're dating, well at least they didn't, after tonight they definitely do now.

"Jeremy! Get your tongue out of Janet's throat and drive us home!" I slurred drunkenly, though I didn't receive a reply. "Toast! Get off of-" I continued, using his online persona to get his attention, though I was interrupted by a soft, loving voice behind me.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" The voice asked. Instantly recognising it, I swivelled around and immediately threw my arms around the handsome boy in front of me. "Uhm..." He nervously hummed, though I only tightened my grip around him as I smiled ecstatically now that Sykkuno was here.

(Sykkuno POV)

Oh man! I can't wait to surprise Rae! She's gonna be so , so shocked to see me! Especially since I told her I wasn't going! I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees me here!

I continued into the house and immediately spotted Imane, so I went over there without a second thought to w ask her where Rae was.

"Hey Imane, have you seen Rae around, I wanted to see her!" I exclaimed happily, only to receive a blunt reply from her, clearly not happy that I mentioned Rae's name.

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