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A/N: Hihi! This is a request from redflame501 and after writing the plan out I'm not gonna lie I'm very excited to do this oneshot! I should clarify one thing and that's that is an AU in which Sykkuno and Rae are detectives at the LAPD, but when they first meet they don't know each other, and Rae's not exactly quick to warm up to him, anyway no further spoilers I just hope that you all enjoy this story!

Oh, also the art at the top is by Nyze on Twitter if you were wondering, it's of them from the Streamer Awards but I thought it looked alright for two detectives!

Rachell Hofstetter was an expert detective for the LAPD, she didn't hold the same reputation that the LAPD would usually gain from the public though, in fact she never got involved in any of that drama, she just focused on her job, solving murder cases and catching criminals, dare I say that she was the best detective in the precinct she was stationed at, at only 30 years old no less, needless to say she was good at what she did, and while she truly did care about getting justice for the victims and their families, that didn't mean she had to be some woman with a flowery personality, in fact, she was the opposite, her heart had been hardened, made that way by her past experiences, seeing only the worst in just everybody around her.

However, she was still a well-established detective in the force, garnering respect from even those outside of her precinct, even the criminals themselves! Whereas on the other hand, the one they call Sykkuno Lee was just a rookie detective, only becoming one recently, and well, let's just say that Rae wasn't a fan of him whatsoever.

"Why can't we just have him moved to another department?! Or better yet, kicked off the force?!" Rae was currently in a shouting match with her captain, yep, she even had the proverbial balls to do such a thing, that's how brave the woman was, but courage didn't translate to results, and her captain wasn't like that, he wouldn't roll over for a subordinate, even if it was for Rae.

"Now why would you want that Hofstetter?" Rae's captain questioned the woman on why she would want this rookie detective kicked off the force, considering that she didn't even know the man, and her reasons were quite lazy.

(Btw if you want a face claim for the captain I'm picturing him as Cpt. Sean Renard from Grimm)

"Because he's a total coward! You saw his test scores! He hesitated to shoot a paper target every single time!" Rae exclaimed with ferocity in her tone, not afraid to go toe to toe with her captain, though exactly why she had such a problem was still a mystery... in need of solving.

"That's enough!" Rae's captain raised his voice at the woman, silencing her before he continued to speak, suggesting to her an idea. "Hofstetter, I seem to remember the first time you picked up a gun that you were also quite afraid, just as he is now, if you have that much of a problem with him then why don't you partner up together while yours is currently on maternity leave?" The captain suggested that Rae take this rookie under her wing while her own partner was on maternity leave, an idea she wasn't keen on.

"Uh! Absolutely not!" Rae exclaimed, thinking she had a say in the matter, though her captain assured her that she totally did not.

"That wasn't a request Hofstetter! You will take the rookie out and you will evaluate his performance! If you truly think that he isn't up to your standards then we may discuss this issue again, another time!" Rae's captain explained to the woman that this wasn't a suggestion or a request, this was an order, to which Rae reluctantly accepted it with a tantrum as if she were a kid.

"Ugh! Fine!" Rae exclaimed frustratedly, turning to leave in a huff though her captain still had something to say, stopping her from leaving the room before he did so.

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