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So we were studying economics today, and the chapter was population.

And my teacher literally went:

'The people in the past sorta had nothing to do really, so sex was the only source of entertainment. Hence the population explosion.'

And we all sat there like



What's the weirdest/stupidest/cringiest pickup line you've ever heard?

I'll go first:

'Did you just fart? Because you blew me away.'


Some dude on discord randomly told me that and now we're friends.


Sorry for the cringe.


Nah not really, you sorta signed up for it.


Don't touch my life.

(Y'all know the drill.

Type in 'Don't touch my' and let your keyboard do the rest.)


Adrien: what's a thot?

Alya: It's a thoughtful person.

*later at the dining table*

Marinette: Here's the salt, Adrien.

Adrien: Thanks, Mari, you're such a thot!

Nino: *spits out water*


We gon do this again.


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