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tfw you're driving and you're really trying to hold that fart in but the speed breakers are not helping and god is clearly not on your side.


Now, I don't think I'm qualified enough to be a motivational speaker, nor am I a professional in this thing, but I've seen lots of people go through very hard times lately, and I just really wanted to say this for whoever needs to hear it:

poo poo pee pee.


The other day we went to the beach with a cousin (she's 5) and she ran over to me very excitedly, saying "Look! Look! I found seashells!"

those were not sea shells.

those were pistachio shells.

eaten pistachio shells.


Poor kid.


You ever just sit and wonder how fucking powerful infinite duct tape would be?


If I ever had the choice to be a superhero and choose my powers, I'm choosing this.

Sure, flying is impressive, but CAN you duct tape the fridge to safeguard your chocolates?



Katsuki mf Bakugo won in the mha popularity pole again.


since the last 7 years.

with a huge margin.

someone get this fandom a fucking medal because goddAMN, THE SIMPS ARE DEDICATED.


I'd say the contact name matches

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I'd say the contact name matches.


Chat: The risk I took was carefully calculated.


Marinette: wE ALMOST DIED???

Chat: I never said I was good at math.

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