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My mom read some of my lock-screen notifications and she thought y'all were hitting on me with cringy pick up lines.

She was so concerned.


Late Update Reason: Pearl is at a wedding.


Things I observed at the said wedding:

-You make a ponytail and it looks amazing, but then you turn your head to the other side, and it suddenly looks like non-biodegradable shit hanging out from a crow's mouth and you stand there like-

-That one awkward moment of eye contact you make with a distant relative when neither of you has any idea what to do.

-Staring at angry wedding guests and dissing them is the best part about a wedding.

-You. Will. Be. Extremely. Lonely.

-Unless you become best friends with the eye-contact-distant-relative.

-You will be really fucking cold.

-Indian weddings are overkill.


Miss Bustier: Ok let's be real, is any of you straight?

Miss Bustier:

Miss Bustier: At least one of you?

Marc: *slowly raises hand*

Nathanael: *slowly lowers marc's hand*

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