119 - Evolution

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I'm amazed at how Miraculous manages to leak not just finales, but fucking storyboards and scripts for whole seasons.


Speaking of, if anyone here talks about the leaked MLB script/Bible, I will delete those comments.

This is a spoiler-free zone, and I'd prefer it if you guys don't spoil the experience for the others.

I, for one, haven't read the script/whatever was leaked because I don't want an entire season to be spoiled.

It's ok if your curiosity got the best of you, but do NOT spoil it here.

Thank you, we shall continue to slam our heads while probably theorizing wrong anyway.


On another note,

Evolution was so skakskakakkdkskdkakskaksks.




Gabriel this whole episode: 🤡


Gabeclown given a choice to save Emilie and fix everything that went wrong, preventing the entire miraculous timeline from happening AT ALL, which would, quite literally, give him what he wants, his wish to be with his wife again:

Gabriel choosing to go after two teenage furries instead:


Also, why did no one notice when a weird butterfly monkey peacock fox man was walking around in broad daylight when Hawky travelled back in time?

If I saw that, either my stranger danger alerts would be off the charts, or I'd be rolling on the floor with laughter over someone who looks like a cheap copy of the penguin from Madagascar.




I MEAN, IT'S AMAZING HOW SHE FUCKING STOOD UP FOR THE MISTAKES GABRIEL DID, RATHER THAN THE WHOLE 'oh, my love, I would fall to the ends of the earth, I would die a hundred times, I would slay all the stars in the sky for you! But you will never love me back.' CHARADE.

Like, I know she's probably gonna be supporting him again by the looks of the second trailer, but the fact that she actually lashed out at him for choosing a choice so stupid was so satisfying.


The bunny miraculous really be making everyone hot and fluffy.


I love how so far of what we've seen of Season 5 implies that we'll be getting more of Adrien.

Chat/Adrien plays such an important role and it's finally being shown, and I love it.




And Master Fu already knew whom to give those miraculous to 70 years ago, which makes sense why he so conveniently handed out the jewels just to two randos who managed to save his life once.


Imagine if he got confused and the miraculous ended up with Kagami and Felix instead.

This would make a very chaotic MLB verse.


And monarch panting like an old man while time travelling was so fucking funny and for what reason.

I love how chat and ladybug were randomly talking about how they should defeat him with these op powers when a very tired old man sky drops out of literally nowhere and goes away followed by two of their own selves.


Monarch had the most powerful and dangerous miraculous to his disposal and this clown literally lost it in one episode.

I can't with how stupid he is.



Last Noire: why are you on the floor?

Misterbug: I lost something.

Lady Noire: what?

Misterbug: My fucking balance.

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