
28.3K 1.1K 574

A/N: I'm really shocked. This book has reached 300k reads!!!

Thank you all so much <333

Also do you think I should delete the I have a question and results chapter, because the voting is already over?

IMPORTANT: To those, who do: Can you please stop asking me to make Y/n a half-bie?
Even if the results are different now than what they were when I looked at them, because more people commented, I've still made my own decision.

→I'm also sorry if this sounds mean or anything, but yeah, I'm just a bit annoyed...

Now, onto the book~~~

"What?!" I asked loudly.

Ji-min was let back down again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey!" Dae-su complained.

"She's coming down!" Wu-jin noticed, pointing at Ji-min.

I walked towards one of the soldiers.

"What are you doing?!" I asked.

Everyone asked the same questions, being confused as to why they stopped saving us.

The soldier just pushed me away harshly and I fell back, landing on the hard concrete.

Pain started coursing through my body from the harshness as Su-hyeok ran over to me.

"How dare you?!" He yelled at the soldier, helping me up.

Said soldier only looked down at the floor.

When Ji-min was down with us again, they took off her harness as she started worrying.

"Why are you doing this?!"

As she yelled at them to take us with them, the soldiers pushed her towards On-jo and Cheong-san hardly.

I felt Su-hyeok press me against his body as tears started clouding my vision.

But they said, they'd save us...

As Ji-min and the others protested, a soldier raised his gun.

He pointed it at us, while urging us to get back.

"STAND BACK!" He yelled.

As Cheong-san tried convincing them to take us, he suddenly pointed his gun upwards and shot several times.

I got startled and fell to the ground.

The noise was very loud and I held my ears shut.

I can't even imagine how much more painful it had to be for Nam-ra.

"I'm begging" Cheong-san started again after the soldier had stopped.

"Just please take a few of us with you"

He held On-jo's hand tightly in his.

"Please" I whimpered, making the soldier turn to me.

He pointed the gun at me.

"Rescue us" I asked, not wanting to stay in this hellhole for longer.

But the soldier just stepped backwards after his teammates had already entered the helicopter.

He looked and from the way he was acting, it looked as if he was unsure of what he should do.

"I'm sorry" He just apologised before he was pulled up by the rope.

We all stared at him in silence as I asked myself, what we could have possibly done wrong to not be saved.

Everyone had tears streaming down their faces, hope being completely gone.

Su-Hyeok x reader| All of us are deadWhere stories live. Discover now