Chapter 75: Save her

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In the distance I can not only smell the burning wood but also see the walls of smoke surrounding us; fuck! Everyone is behind me because I'm running like my life depends on it and if I'm honest, it is

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In the distance I can not only smell the burning wood but also see the walls of smoke surrounding us; fuck! Everyone is behind me because I'm running like my life depends on it and if I'm honest, it is. Emily is my life and I can't go on with her. Sebastian told me firefighters and ambulances are making their way where we are and I hope as fuck they come fast. My body is living on adrenaline, my heartbeat rising with each second and my brain is on; the only scenario it's making is the dead of my wife. Don't think like that stupid brain!

I arrive first, looking around, waving the smoke out of my face when I spot Emily, not on fire yet but passed out; fuck. The fire is pretty bad, the gasoline already burning and it reaches the tree pretty soon if I don't do something. Enzo and Sebastian are now too on my side, spotting her immediately.

"The firefighters are here soon!" Seb yells, coughing on the smoke.

"We don't have the fucking time for that!" I yell back, throwing my gun down and all the other ones so I'm lighter on my feet.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Enzo asks, stopping me but I shrug him away.

"What do you think!?" cough. "I'm going to get Emily before it's too late!" cough again.

"Are you crazy!? You're going to die!?"

"So is Emily if I don't go!" without thought, I run towards her. The fire in front of me is massive but somehow, I don't have a clue, I past it. Coughing, I scan the place, trying to find her. Only a few feet away, she's there, tied against the tree; fuck! I make an attempt to go but suddenly a branch falls in front of me, getting on fire as well and I jump away, falling. My arm gets on fire but thank fuck I have my armor still on. The world suddenly starts spinning and I know I'm getting oxygen deprivation; I only have a few seconds left before I chock...

Standing up, I find the power again to safe my wife. In the distance you can hear sirens from a helicopter. The wind it's producing doesn't help because now the fire only get's in my face. Jumping over the last bunch, I feel the heat of the fire now; fuck, I feel like bacon now...

"Emily!" I yell when I stand next to her, relieve filling me to see her again. I don't waste time; pulling the knife out of my pocket, I cut the ropes and rope straps off her in one go, the strength I'm feeling surprises me and I pull Emily over my shoulder; here we go butterfly. Looking around I try to find a way out. The way I used to come here is useless now, mostly because of the wood falling from above, I cough some more. How am I going to get out of here? The firefighter's helicopter is here, not waiting for putting the fire out. Water streams down us and I'm relieved because now a way is cleared for us.

I run in that direction, holding onto Emily and making sure she's safe. The fire isn't out yet because as soon as it was gone, it starts again. This is getting out of hand.

"MATEO! WE'RE HERE!" I hear a familiar voice yell and find Enzo in the distance, what I think is extinguisher in one hand and helps clear the way. Another load of water falls onto me and Emily and I pull her off my shoulder so I can hold her in a princess hold. The way is clear again so I need to move fast. Coughing like a crazy person, I manage to get out of there, the fire behind me, my wife in my arms and everyone safe...

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