a Sweet Dilemma

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Ship: Bette & Dot Tattler x Reader

Summary: The reader made Bette & Dot cupcakes, to which the two are very cautious.


Bette and Dot stared at the small horde of cupcakes that sat on the counter, all vanilla with a pale pink frosting. Bette stared in terror, eyes massive. Dot went to reach out, wanting a cupcake. Just as she reached out, Bette smacked her hand lightly. "Hey!" Dot whimpered, looking over. She became silent when she saw fear plastered all over Bette's facial expression. Their heart rapidly began to beat as Bette began to hyperventilate. They took a step back, Bette remembering the pink cupcake, she remembered it all very well. It was terrifying.

What the two didn't expect to happen was to bump into you, not thinking you'd be walking into the room. Bette and Dot quickly turned around, Bette's face full of fear and Dot's with concern. "What's wrong?" You questioned, heading to the counter. "Are these pink cupcakes... P-poisoned?" Dot quietly asked for Bette, mentally crossing her fingers for good luck. "What?" You stared at them confused, taking a cupcake and eating it. "Why would I poison cupcakes? Especially to the people I love?" You kept your tone level, but concern for their past experiences dripped in your voice. "Should I call the police? What happened?" You added, glancing between the two. "So, they're not... Poisoned?" Bette whimpered in hope. "Heavens no. That would defeat the whole purpose of making cupcakes. They're to be enjoyed, not to die for." You handed Bette and Dot a cupcake, Dot not wasting time to dig in. Bette took small bites, savoring the vanilla treat.

You watched the two mentally chatter amongst themselves, expressions twitching between different emotions. They looked to be debating about something, Dot finally speaking up. "You're so mean!" Her eyes locked on Bette. "What'd she say?" You inquired. "She said I can't have another cupcake because then she would have to eat one and four cupcakes is too much." Dot mumbled, upset. "Because four cupcakes is too much!" Bette reasoned with a level voice, face turning red slightly. As the two argued, you turned around and split a cupcake in half. You handed them the split cupcakes, Dot's eyes brightening as excitement took over.

Bette gently took the cupcake, Dot shoving the sweet treat into her mouth. "Dot!" Bette whispered, shocked. "Someone's happy!" You gently teased, giving them a hug.

By the time night fell, you found yourself going to check on the girls. The two were out cold, likely having a sugar crash. You gently laid the blanket over them, smiling at their peaceful expressions.

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