Remedy the Cold

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Ship: Diane Sherman x Sick Reader

Warning: Vomiting and all the other things that happen when sick.

I'm sick, fear me 😷

Your blankets kept you in bed, your body aching and stomach twisting. Your eyes remained closed, gently groaning just as Diane came in. "Open your mouth, dear." Diane spoke softly, your mouth opening just the slightest. The cold metal thermometer was nudged gently under your tongue, Diane waiting for a beep. "102. You're not going anywhere." Diane mumbled, removing the thermometer. "Can I have some water?" You whispered, the ragged sound of phlegm in your chest made Diane genuinely hurt to see you like this. "Of course, honey bee." Diane left the room, leaving you to your blankets. A couple of coughs after, Diane returned with a tumbler filled with ice cold water.

The feeling of the straw gently pressed to your lips prompted you to open your mouth and drink. It relieved the scratchiness of your throat, falling asleep after a couple more sips. It wasn't for a few hours that you woke up, until your eyes shot open. You scrambled out of bed, running to the bathroom as the contents of your stomach emptied through your mouth. You let out a wail, Diane running over. "Oh honey." She whispered, cleaning your face and hair. She flushed the toilet and started to prepare the shower after cleaning up the floor. "I peed myself!?" You whimpered, embarrassed. "It's okay, it happens to me too." Diane reassured, helping you into the shower.

The steam was amazing, the smell of a Vick's vapor shower tablet filled your senses as you bathed yourself. "Diane?" You asked, hoping she was still there. "Yes dear?" She looked up from placing new pajamas on the counter. "I love you." You whimpered, stepping out the warm shower and into the cold bathroom. Shivers took over as Diane dried you off and got you dressed. She brought you back to bed, then smiled. "I love you too. Now get some sleep, sicky." She purred, kissing you on your forehead and turning off the light. You felt her presence was next to you as sleep slowly took over, curled up with Diane.

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