🐺 Birthday Bash 🏳️‍⚧️🎟️

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Happy Birthday Venablesl0ver !!!

Ship: Diane Sherman x Werewolf Reader x Wilhemina Venable

I'm a little rusty on the writing, please bear with me.


Your tail wagged as the early morning filtered through the window, the smell of buttermilk pancakes flooded your senses as you lifted your head. Cold wet nose wiggling in the air, you followed the scent that began to mingle with sausage, eggs, and bacon as you got closer to the kitchen.

Diane turned to the kitchen doorway, hearing your tail sweep across the floor as you came into view. Sleepy eyes, messy fur, and shredded clothes, all of which made Diane smile. "How's my birthday boy?" She asked, hearing your claws gently tap against the floor as you went on to sit at the table. "Refreshed, Mi-Mi really helped me unwind." You mumbled, your muscles still numb from the massage. Mina had found a massage therapy for dogs video, copying everything onto you. Diane gently touched your cheek, smiling. "Such a sweet young man." She purred, setting the plate down.

Like a call to the devil himself, Wilhemina Venable came downstairs. She sat beside you, still picking fur out of her mouth. "I'm never giving you a massage at the start of Fall. You shed so much." Mina grumbled, gently petting you between your ears. "Eat up, (Y/N)." Diane spoke up, smiling. "We're taking you to the park for a birthday party." Diane purred. "The dog park?" Mina whispered, flabbergasted. Your eyes sparkled to Diane, making her smile and nod. "I know how you've been wanting to go there since the transformation, so we're going to take you and throw your birthday there." Diane cheered, hugging you. "Diane, he'll going to start a howl." Mina protested softly. "Okay, and? It's his birthday."

You looked at the two as you devoured your breakfast, wolfing down the meal. You nodded as Diane gently shook you. "He deserves it." She purred, Mina smiling a little. "Fine, but if he does start a howl throughout the whole block, we're going home." She reasoned.

The drive to the park was quiet, but as the door opened, you flew out and ran into the grass. Thick, green, soft grass. Then, dogs. Oh so many dogs. You were surrounded as they sniffed you, all of them trying to figure you out. You looked, smelled, and spoke canine, but stood on two legs. Your tail wagged, proceeding to chase the other dogs around as Diane and Mina watched. "He doesn't know it yet." Diane whispered, Mina glancing over. "I brought a Piñata." Diane giggled, lifting her hand.

As the sun began to settle, you wandered back up to Diane and Mina. You were so tired, having been running around all day. "Too tired for the Piñata?" Diane asked, you slinking into her arms. "What a good goober." Mina purred softly, petting you.

"Happy birthday, kiddo."

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