⚠️ Her Sweet Revenge

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I just want Lana to go apeshit and go on a murdering spree, she honestly should've gotten the chance to just go wild and do a little stabby stabby. She deserved a good life and the chance to absolutely eviscerate that prick.

WARNING: I honestly just wouldn't read this, it's just violence and gore described as much as possible.


Lana held the knife tightly, her steps quiet as a snowflake on warm skin. There he was, the pitiful mistake of a human being. This was the room where it happened, and this will be the room she takes the next step to her escape. She quickly struck where Thredson's kidney was, hearing a yelp of confusion and pain. Drawing out the blade, she stabbed just under his shoulder blade. As he turned around to strike back, Lana yanked on the knife, dragging as he turned. Thredson tried to gasp as his lung cut open, pushed, she forced him up against the wall.

The blade was sopping wet with blood, but it only made Lana's grip tighter. The blood dripping onto her fingers will be the most satisfying feeling in the world. Plunging the knife into his chest, she forced the blade down, his intestines falling out onto the floor. Her hand wrapped around his neck, forcing him to look at her in his final breaths. "If killing you was this easy, I would've done it sooner." She hissed, leaving his corpse on the floor.

Sneaking out, Lana made her way over pipes and staying in the shadows. "Did you hear that? That sounded like Dr. Thredson." A voice whispered. "Speaking of, Lana has been awful quiet." Another commented. Lana leapt onto a bookcase, spotting Sister Jude looking at the now closing door. Lana waited in the shadows, eyes watching her every move. "Perhaps the wind." Sister Jude whispered, glancing around anxiously. She glared, knowing this was life or death now. Get out alive, or die trying.

Lana leapt onto Sister Jude, plunging the knife into her neck. The sputtered gasp and the feeling of her scratch at her hands, Lana watched her slowly collapse onto the floor, staring up in horror. With that, Lana searched for any change of clothes, finding a pair and quickly changing. With that, she also found her keys and wallet. Lana put the two into her pockets, sneaking out and finding her way out. It was dry tonight, no splashing or mud to ruin her escape.

As she hid from a few people running in at a thud, hearing screaming. Lana took this chance to sneak away, hiding in the shadows of the opening room. With a guard standing at the door, she found herself behind him, stabbing her blade through his throat and finding his gun. She took it, also grabbing his keys as she snuck outside. She remained low, finding the guard's car and unlocking it. Turning the headlights off, she carefully backed away from the asylum.

Opening her eyes, Lana found herself in front of the camera. She cleared her throat, talking over the recent happenings. Though the thought remained in her mind.

Perhaps she should've killed him much more slowly.

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