| chapter two |

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" Arrogance is a creature

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" Arrogance is a creature. It does not have senses. It has only a sharp tongue and the pointing finger. " - Toba Beta

── •✧• ──

IT WAS no ordinary stroll. First and foremost, Mordo had his hood up. Which was absurd given how hot it was. Mordo even made Zaiya put up her own hood, further increasing the sweat on her brow. Mordo didn't divulge any information about the nature of their walk. He walked at such a brisk and focused pace she didn't even have time to ask. In hindsight, she should have known Mordo wasn't partial to taking a lovely stroll through the gardens, especially with her. Ever since she had arrived, she had spotted a few sideways glances thrown her way from the man in question.

"Should have stayed under the tree." Zaiya muttered to herself, missing the soft, calm breeze which offered solitude from the harsh sun.

She ran into Mordo's back as soon as the words left her lips. The duo came to a sudden stop in the middle of a large square filled with people going about their daily lives.

"What are you-" Zaiya began, annoyance bubbling.

"Shh!" Mordo hushed quickly, not sparing one glance her way.

Zaiya's mouth opened to retaliate, before she heard a deep, almost lost voice mutter...


Mordo and Zaiya both turned to face the man who had spoken. He appeared to be carrying everything he owned on his person. He also needed to get his hair cut. Before Zaiya could study the man further, Mordo broke into a stride, following the dishevelled man. Her head tilted to the side, wondering if this was the reason they were on their rather tiring walk to begin with.

The duo followed him through twisted roads and alleyways, manoeuvring delicately through waves of people. Mordo seemed to occasionally loose sight of him, but in mere moments his very appearance would give him away again. After all, he did stick out like a sore thumb. They kept their distance from him for quite some time. They must have covered the majority of the city by now, based on how Zaiya's feet felt.

Zaiya took this time to answer some of the questions floating around her mind. Whoever this man was, seemed so defeated and lost within himself it almost made her sad. The circumstances of which he found himself here, looking for her new home was an endless loop of questions and queries she would simply have to wait to get answers. Mordo must have been tipped off from the Ancient One, why else would they be out here? Yet, she couldn't quite understand why she was dragged into this mess to begin with.

"Keep on him. I'm going to cut him off." Mordo abruptly said as he walked down a separate alleyway. Mordo vanished into the darkness before Zaiya could even respond.

"I really should have stayed under the damn tree." Zaiya muttered, getting all the more frustrated.

She traced the man's footsteps for a while longer before Zaiya's keen senses noticed trouble looming over the horizon. She had noticed another group of at least two men following the foreign man, and the desolated alleyway he was now travelling was the perfect opportunity for the hunter to catch its prey.

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