| chapter eighteen |

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" There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul, a total annihilation of all that you believed in and thought that you were

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" There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul, a total annihilation of all that you believed in and thought that you were. " - Vilayat Inayat Khan


"FOOL!" DORMAMMU yelled, now focusing his rage onto Zaiya directly.

Zaiya leapt out of the way, avoiding Dormammu's swaying arm.

Zaiya was unclear how much power she had pulled, but she knew it was now or never. For the first time in months, she focused intently, allowing her energy to flow through her again. Her eyes shifted to a rich emerald hue, and black tendrils resurfaced between her shoulder blades. They embraced her body tightly before rapidly exploding out, jade cracks visible. Dormammu was nearly blinded as green smoke and lightning erupted from her shoulders.

"We shall see who the fool is." Zaiya said, her voice booming throughout the Dark Dimension.

Her tendrils hoisted her to her feet before she launched her attack on Dormammu. Dormammu's screams of pain echoed across the cavernous space as she hurled many green orbs at him. Dormammu's tolerance was being taxed; she was a nuisance that needed to be removed immediately.

Zaiya nearly shielded her eyes as his mouth opened into a dazzling brightness. But she realised that him doing so would be her undoing. She drew a wall of green as the tremendous wave of energy rushed towards her, her hands spreading outwards from herself, her arms trembling from the strain. Dormammu's assault made a direct hit on Zaiya's shield wall just in time, and she nearly fell back from the incredible amount of strength she could feel. Zaiya realised she couldn't keep it for much longer, so she shifted her wall to the right, causing the beam to ricochet into the vastness of the Dark Dimension.

Dormammu was taken aback, realising that her might was sufficient to overcome his. Green flames were now sprouting from her fingers and travelling up her arms at a rapid pace while he stared at her for a time. Zaiya's face was set in a deep scowl as she clasped her palms together. Dormammu's form began to burn as the flames collided with him. The dark tendrils that surrounded her began to circle in front of her, forming a green ball.

Zaiya's gaze never left Dormammu's blazing body as the ball expanded in size dramatically. Her hands clasped the sphere in awe of its beauty. Dormammu's eyes finally landed on her as he realised she was about to launch another attack at him. Dormammu raised an arm to defend himself, but he had no idea what Zaiya was planning.

Zaiya's hands gently expanded away from the sphere as the black tendrils began to puncture it. Dormammu began to scream, as if he were being ripped apart from the inside out. His black and changing shape began to disintegrate, ripping at the seams of his very essence. Zaiya screamed, her body beginning to tire from the exertion of her power, which was nearly unbearable.

"Stop!" Dormammu yelled as his jaw sat unhinged.

Zaiya ignored him, not paying him any mind. The inch of power she had left, she would make sure that it was used to rid him from the galaxy once and for all.

"If you kill me, you'll kill yourself too!" He yelled, causing Zaiya to falter.

"There is more to you then you know, my dear."

The words from the Ancient One suddenly repeated in her head, almost making her turn around to find the woman standing next to her. Instead, she removed the tendrils from the orb, still holding them over it in a threatening manner. Her hands paused, her fingers contorting in unnatural ways, trying to hold the power in front of her.

"You will let me leave. You will not follow. You will know what happens if you do." Zaiya threatened, looking directly at him.

"You would risk yourself to save that waste of dirt?! Why?" Dormammu asked.

"It is my home. My heart. You would not believe what I will do to protect it." Zaiya responded, before pushing the orb away from her, Dormammu's form dissipating into the Dark Dimension.

Zaiya was the definition of exhausted when the tendrils supporting her buckled, leading her to fall to the sandy floor. She paused for a while to regain her breath. She pushed her trembling form upwards, tendrils aiding her. They had to keep her from falling as she began opening a portal back to her home. She couldn't keep it open for long enough or wide enough before her body went through, crashing to the hardwood floor.


Stephen walked through Kamar-Taj, insisting on leaving the Sanctum for a moment to clear his head. After all, the Sorcerer Supreme's duty never ended. He helped with new training regimens, oversaw a few new problems that developed throughout the cosmos, and spent some time in the library on his own. All of this couldn't take away the fact that Zaiya had vanished into the Dark Dimension, likely tormented by Dormammu as they spoke. He tried not to cry, but tears welled up in his eyes whenever his thoughts returned to her.

He wanted to delve further than ever into any and every book he could discover, anxious to find an answer, anything, to bring her back safe and sound without sending the world into peril. His hand slammed against the desk, causing him to grunt in pain. His rage boiled over as he stared at his scarred hands.

What did he exactly do to deserve this? Everything that was good in his life was taken from him. Donna, Christine, his job, and now Zaiya are all on his mind. He had all of this power and could have had anything he desired, but he could never seem to hold on to anything substantial or significant. What an unfortunate fate.


"Stephen?!" Zaiya yelled out, all the lights turned off in the Sanctum. Had she really been gone that long?

She wandered slowly through the halls, occasionally calling Stephen's name. She peered out a window, noticing the moon high in the sky, slightly obscured by fluffy clouds.

"You're telling me you're at Kamar-Taj?! Spirits." Zaiya mumbled, before her back met the wall, in an exhausted state.

Her mind was torn, Stephen's very comfortable bed just down the hall, or making another portal to Kamar-Taj only to find her way back here to fall asleep. She outwardly groaned, her hands moving to form another portal, the familiar humidity of Kamar-Taj welcoming her.


Zaiya stepped into the courtyard of Kamar-Taj, recalling her first visit to its halls. She looked up at her tree, where the leaves had begun to fall from the branches once more. Zaiya gave a small smile before walking through the courtyard, wondering where to begin.

She found her way to the library, perhaps out of instinct or habit.

Wong observed her silver locks from the opposite side of the courtyard, a surprised expression on his face. He came dangerously close to walking into the wall before halting, his arm just reaching out far enough to save his face from colliding with it. He was about to yell out her name, but he believed he'd figure out how she got back eventually.


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