| chapter twenty eight |

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" Now it is nothing but torture

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" Now it is nothing but torture. " - Sigmund Freud


TENDRILS PIERCED Thanos' flesh, eliciting agonising howls from his lips. Zaiya stood motionless, her strained, emerald eyes staring at the man in front of her who had fallen to his knees. Her tendrils travelled swiftly into his veins, organs, and every inch of his body. The others just stood there watching her torture Thanos, knowing that his anguish was nothing compared to what the cosmos was going through right now.

"Your last breath will be mine to rule. I will watch you claw your life away to escape me. I will haunt everything you are. You will not rest, nor feel accomplishment. Only the agony of dying at the hands of the so called daughter you raised." Zaiya cursed in a low, deep voice. It sent shivers down the spines of the others, the absolute darkness radiating from her no doubt giving them nightmares.

"Zaiya." Thor spoke from beside her, causing her to twitch her head towards him.

For a brief moment, her mind and heart contemplated. Her intuition instructed her to puncture Thanos' heart and watch him bleed out. Her heart, on the other hand, told her to let Thor get some type of retribution. She drew a deep breath, almost a growl, before taking a small step back.

"Take his head. He won't forget my face, even in death." Zaiya grumbled as she watched Thanos' head fly off his neck. Her tendrils dug deep into his heart, crushing it.

His blood was still trickling to the floor as she retracted her coils. She didn't say anything as she walked away from the dilapidated shack, her aura still darkened.

Any glimmer of optimism, any glimmer of hope, was lost on her. Thanos wouldn't have let it happen that easy, she should have known that he destroyed the stones. Her gaze returned to radiant gold as she gazed into the bright dawn. Thor walked right past her, heading back to the ship. She lingered in the field for a minute, her gaze tracking Thanos' attempt to create a life for himself. She found it repulsive. He was alone on a barren world, cut off from everything and everyone. A retirement was a reward to himself. She replayed his screams in her head, knowing that it was the only thing that could make her feel better.


"Are you alright?" Steve asked Zaiya, his eyes never leaving her form.

"Just...peachy." Zaiya repeated, gathering her belongings, a few new clothes to call her own.

"You can stay, you know."

"I have to go back to the Sanctum. Shit is going to be falling apart."

Steve leant against the doorframe of her bedroom, arms folded over his chest. He concentrated hard on the next words that would come out of his mouth. Nat had given him a quick rundown on Zaiya's life following the Accords. All he could say was that it was a lot. He could tell she was as fragile as glass, and that even a minor graze would cause her to collapse and shatter.

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