| chapter four |

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" Power is of two kinds: one is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love

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" Power is of two kinds: one is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. " - Mahatma Gandhi

── •✧• ──

DOCTOR STEPHEN Strange couldn't help a patient for the first time in his life. Zaiya was ultimately an extraterrestrial being, and despite her look, she certainly wasn't human. Core fundamentals of her just worked differently, and that wasn't even considering her usage of a magic he didn't understand. He could only hope that she would awaken sooner rather than later.

Zaiya, her skin pallid and cold, remained inert in her room. With a heavy frown on her face, the Ancient One glanced over her. Zaiya's eyes were burnt, with deep purple fractures that sparkled in the dim light of her room. Above her brow, a faint red symbol lay in the centre of her forehead. The Ancient One understood what it meant, but she had not expected it to harm Zaiya as well.

The Ancient One had a strong hunch that it would impact her in some way. That's why she made a conscious decision to avoid tapping into the power of the Dark Dimension while Zaiya was present. The Ancient One had always been cautious about how much power she drew, especially considering the potential consequences it could have on Zaiya. In fact, she had never caused such an effect on her before. Given the current circumstances with Kaecilius wielding its power, she couldn't afford to take any risks.

Zaiya was akin to a river, deeply connected to the very essence of the land it flowed through. Just like the river shapes and forms itself based on the amount of water it carries, Zaiya was like a dam set to burst.

The moment Kaecillius began channeling power, it sent her body into overdrive. The sheer magnitude of power he possessed was now far greater than that of Zaiya. The Ancient One didn't understand the specifics of Zaiya and her people, not Kaecilius was certainly not one of them and clearly that difference was enough.

Zaiya lay in her room for a long time, still seeing visions and receiving threats from Dormammu, and feeling as if she was losing her soul over and over again. Dying over and over. She saw her people, her home, nearly abandoned from the threat of Dormammu.

It would be a couple of weeks before she awoke.

── •✧• ──

Zaiya's eyes popped open instantly, her breathing laboured and quick. Her chest rose and fell at an intense speed, her lungs working in over drive to keep her feeling alive. It was late at night, the bright moonlight beaming through her window. Her senses were on high alert; she could hear the tiniest noise and feel the slightest breeze. Zaiya's eyes were still burning, so much so that she had to cover her face with her hands.

She was in desperate need of water. She slipped out of bed in the dim light of her room, struggling to regain and keep her balance. The skin surrounding her eyes was tight and itchy, so much so it was painful. It sent tingles throughout her face, the burning almost feeling cold to her senstivive nerves. Zaiya let out a groan as she fumbled her way to the bathroom, swinging the door open rather violently.

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