| chapter forty |

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" The most dangerous liars are the ones who think they are telling the truth

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" The most dangerous liars are the ones who think they are telling the truth. "


ARGUMENTS. THAT'S what echoed throughout the Sanctum's halls on a crisp, early morning. The sun had barely risen over the horizon and both Zaiya and Stephen were ready for the day to be over.

"I don't care to tell you simply because I don't remember! Can we drop this already? It's rather exhausting." Zaiya exclaimed, standing angrily off her library room chair and walking away from the interrogation.

"And I'm asking because it's my job to know. Our job to know." Stephen argued back, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well forgive me, I don't remember. Upwards of ten. Maybe twenty."


"Spirits, Stephen! If you don't want the answer don't ask!"

Stephen loudly exhaled, anger beginning to itch at his better judgement.

"You put not only yourself but also the universe in danger twenty times for...what exactly?!" Stephen now yelled, standing from his own chair.

Zaiya glared at him, golden irises alight like a bright, roaring flame.

"For Spirit's sake! What do you want me to say?! I got drunk off the power, I admit it! But only because it was the only thing I had!"

"That's not true."

"And what would you know what I had when you were gone?!" Zaiya screamed, tears now swimming in her eyes.

"Zai...you of all people know the dangers of the-"

"I don't need a preachy speech from you. I know."

"Seems you forgot, along with other things." Stephen mumbled, his pettiness soothing the rage in his stomach.

"Oh, save me your guilt trip! I get it! You're guilty, about all of it. The universe suffering, Tony's death, and what happened to me. But maybe instead of going on about our job maybe talk to me like I'm the woman you love for once!"

Zaiya spun on her heel, heading straight for the staircase. Stephen's mouth opened, then closed right back again. The infamous guilt crawled over his anger, now making his stomach drop.

He should have been tender with her. He knew why he wanted to talk about it from a work perspective, because it was easier. It didn't terrify him nearly as much. He could have control, be dignified in his reasoning. Whilst true, he forgot the most important part of all. Stephen understood Zaiya's hurt, her anger and disappointment and so he let her walk away.

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