| chapter five |

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" Fate had a weird way of circling back over paths that were meant to cross

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

" Fate had a weird way of circling back over paths that were meant to cross. " - Gail McHugh

── •✧• ──

ZAIYA AND The Ancient One conversed over countless cups of honey tea in a quiet, reserved room of Kamar-Taj. As she mulled over the hot beverage, her mind quickly spiralled as she barely recognised herself or her actions. Strange and her...well, they were just that. Strange. Zaiya enjoyed his calm company, the ease of their conversations. She was positive he enjoyed hers as well, but something about that sparring match felt odd. An uncomfortable tingling in her stomach that nearly made her squirm.

"Zaiya?" The Ancient One asked, noticing Zaiya's mind wandering elsewhere.

"Sorry. Just...thinking." Zaiya responded, taking a sip of her tea.

The Ancient One huffed out a laugh, amused by Zaiya's nervous energy.

"You must exercise caution Zaiya. You are on the precipice of ruin. I can't watch you use your powers blindly when it knocks so close to our door." The Ancient One said, Zaiya not wanting to look at her in the eye.

"I can't just sit back and do nothing. If what Kaecilius is doing is 'knocking on the door', it's part of my responsibility to fix it. Why else did you bring me here if not for that?" Zaiya retorted, putting her cup of tea down onto the table.

"I did not bring you here to your death, Zaiya. You are needed far more than you know."

"If you're talking about the Avengers..."

"No. I'm not."

A pang of pain shot through Zaiya's heart as she thought of her odd little family. Her face scowled, tearing her eyes away. The Ancient One's face softened, taking pity on the woman. Zaiya hadn't spoken to any of them for over a year. Every other day she watched the count of emails increase, most left unread. The further anguish in her heart slowly but surely becoming too hard to ignore.

"If being here is what I'm supposed to do...then why does it hurt so much?" Zaiya asked, tears brimming in her eyes.

"It's not all hurt...is it? There is nothing stopping you from reaching out to them again. You can leave if that's what your heart wants. There is more to you then you know, my dear."

Zaiya sniffled and blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. Despite the hardships the Avengers brought, there was enough happiness and laughs to miss it. They were the first group of people that seemed to welcome her despite her differences, celebrated them in fact. It was only the strengths of all their differences that tore them apart. She desperately wanted to avoid that pain again, but people had a peculiar way of sneaking into her heart.

| ordinary | stephen strangeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें