| chapter forty three |

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" Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences

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" Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences. "


"YOU KNOW if I have to put kids through college I might go full grey." Stephen pointed out, holding an arm out to assist both himself and Zaiya across the snowy atrium of the Sanctum.

Zaiya gazed back to the front door, wondering if Peter would bother to knock to beg his way back in. She doubted it, given Stephen's rush to get Peter to MIT right away.

"I like your hair though." Zaiya said, turning slowly to bring a hand through his greying locks.

Stephen's eyes fluttered closed as her fingers scratched his scalp gently, his head subconsciously leaning into her touch.

"You trying to alleviate stress? 'Cause it's working." Stephen mumbled, his worries melting away.

"Want me to alleviate more?" Zaiya suggested, smirking up at him.

A low, growl-like hum left Stephen's chest, taking the prime opportunity to spin his body around and get her against the nearby wall. Their feet slipped on the snow, making the whole affair rather clumsy at first, but the sturdy wooden wall kept them upright. A shocked breath left Zaiya's lips before they were captured by Stephen's, on instinct, her hands kept teasing and pulling lightly at his hair.

In a lust filled fervour, as the space between their bodies got ever smaller, Stephen placed a leg in-between her own. A soft sigh echoed at the back of Zaiya's throat, causing the Doctor to bring his lips to her neck, hoping to elicit more of a vocal reaction from her. Zaiya truly drove him crazy.

As his lips descended down the soft curves and delicate crevices of her neck, a loud chiming rang throughout the Sanctum. The pair separated instantly, eyes wide in shock and then mild confusion.

"Haven't gotten one of those in a while." Stephen muttered, voice low and husky.

"Can't be coincidence..." Zaiya whispered, heart beat increasing.

"Universe isn't that lazy."


"I don't understand. The ping was here!" Stephen exclaimed, twirling around dramatically as the pair saw nothing but the regular, bustling streets of New York.

The orange fizz of his portal had just faded behind them, meaning whatever or whoever had entered their universe was awfully quick to get away.

"Maybe it's a false alarm...?" Zaiya suggested, head turning attempting to find anything out of the ordinary.

"You and I both know how likely that is. Something or someone is here."

Zaiya hummed, brows furrowing in confusion. Her eyes first took to the skies, seeing nothing but hazy smoke, the occasional flock of birds and the aircrafts flying way over head. The last thing she expected was to feel the tiny pitter-patter of feet scurrying across her foot. Her golden eyes flew downwards, expecting to see a brave rat, but instead saw a small, dark green lizard moving with determined waddles. As she followed the small creatures movements, many others joined it, all heading in one direction.

"Uh, Stephen?" Zaiya called out, the man still muttering away to himself.

"Yes, Zai?" He responded, taking a few steps to come to her side.

"Are lizards from another universe really a threat?" Zaiya said, nodding her head towards the group of them.

"Oh...can't say they do."

"Where are they going?"

"No idea."

A trail of lizards began to merge together along the streets of New York, their tiny feet being followed by the pair of Doctor Strange and Zaiya. It earnt them bizarre and confused looks, but the couple were too bewildered to care. They followed for a fair few blocks, before they began to descend down the subway.

"Bring your metro card?" Stephen asked, looking down the flight of stairs.

"Can't say that I did." The woman replied, sighing through her nose.

"Shame." Stephen said, before taking off down the stairs.

Zaiya followed quickly behind, trying her best to avoid the waves of people trying to exit the underground subway. The lizards shuffled along the tiled walls, the sheer number of them beginning to catch the attention of the public. Regardless, they followed the twisting halls of the subway, Zaiya getting all turnt around and lost rather quickly.

Then, they all entered through a portion of vents on the wall, right alongside the cracked concrete ground.

"Well, now what?" Zaiya asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"It was underground..." Stephen whispered, brows furrowed.


"The ping, it was underground. I just didn't think something would show up in our sewer system."

"God, what is it? A giant crocodile?!" Zaiya joked, earning a questioning glare from Stephen.


The Lizard had his clawed hand outstretched to grip Zaiya's head, ready to crush the woman who dared entered his home. A wave of coils met his hand, successfully holding his crushing grip at bay. The silver head woman perplexed The Lizard greatly, never before had he seen anything like her. The man she entered with was perhaps even more confusing, his magic tricks a spectacle to behold.

"Stephen! Any time you want to join us would be wonderful!" Zaiya yelled out, barely missing another swing.

"Busy!" Stephen replied, trying to help his more cloak out from underneath a rock.

"For Spirit's sake! If you're going to sit there at least portal this overgrown lizard away!" Zaiya yelled out, getting ever so slightly slashed across her arm.

"And where on earth do you suggest we send him!?"

"The damn holding cells! Did you forget about them already?!"

Stephen went to argue, but quickly remembered the very room in question.

"Right." He mumbled to himself, leaving his cloak behind and immediately swiping a portal across The Lizard, sending him hurtling into a darkened holding cell beneath the Sanctum.

"Thank you." Zaiya mumbled, taking a deep breath as the portal fizzled shut.

Before the pair could get a proper break and discuss anything to do with their outwordly visitor, the Eye of Agamotto flashed a deep orange on Stephen's chest, a melodic chime ringing out and echoing across the large open section of the sewers.

"You're joking me." Zaiya gasped, throwing her head back dramatically.

"Well, nothing can beat a dinosaur...right?" Stephen chided, earning a harsh glare from his lover.


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