| chapter twelve |

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" There is no respect between the souls of two individuals if their minds can’t trust each other and there is no trust between them if their hearts can’t accept the truth of each other

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" There is no respect between the souls of two individuals if their minds can’t trust each other and there is no trust between them if their hearts can’t accept the truth of each other. " - Anuj


ZAIYA'S FINGERS trailed along the edge of her tea cup, which Stephen had prepared properly this time, yet she couldn't keep her mind focused. She'd been talking to herself the night before, knowing that informing Stephen about her past wouldn't be the end of the world, and that if his attitude changed dramatically, he definitely didn't deserve to know in the first place. But there was also the chance that he would decide Zaiya was too much of a loose end, posing more of a threat to the world than a service.

There was also the convenient untruth she had left out this time. Thanos was one of the first persons she told Stephen about, and how he had the willpower to make his goals for the cosmos a reality; all he needed was the means, which he wouldn't go without for long.

Stephen sat across from Zaiya in their library, taking a big breath as he sat down with a steaming cup of tea in hand, interrupting Zaiya's thoughts.

"So, lay it on me." Stephen started, taking a keen sip of tea. 


"You're...his daughter?" Stephen asked, eyebrow perched upwards.

Zaiya could only nod. 

"I figured it was weird you knew so much." Stephen said, placing his tea down onto the table beside him. 

"You have to understand, if given the opportunity I would not hesitate to kill him. He uses the pretense of family so we could all do his bidding, no questions asked." Zaiya explained further, staring out of one of the windows. 

"That's what you're scared of..." Stephen whispered, hitting the nail on the head. 

"When the Avengers were shown the Accords, there was no difference to me. The powers I have...are complex and often misunderstood. I can only trust myself with them now. I couldn't hand that over to someone else who preached to know better. You can call it conditioning, I guess."

Zaiya took a breath, not meeting Stephen in the eyes.

"I came to Kamar-Taj not only because the Ancient One allowed me to, but because the very idea of the Avengers had been tainted. The team that was supposed to stay together for the greater good got too invested in their own egos and it tore us apart. One way or another, anything good I have crumbles away like dust. I can't bare much more of it."

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