| chapter twenty three |

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" I'm not sure whether it is me changing my mind, or whether I lie a lot

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" I'm not sure whether it is me changing my mind, or whether I lie a lot. " - David Bowie


ZAIYA STILL yearned for one thing, especially in these circumstances. A window. At least a dozen times, her golden gaze traced over the same metal pipes and foundations. There were no intriguing patterns, shapes, or colours to distract her. And did she ever require it.

Their destination of Titan crept closer and closer with each passing minute. Tony had helped a little with her more serious wounds, and his suit had come in helpful countless times, just in the span of today's events. Thankfully, her headache was dissipating. The red, thick cloth of the Cloak of Levitation was still wrapped over her shoulders, holding her close. She had the sensation of being hugged. Her hands naturally lifted the fabric to her nose, relaxing her with its smooth and soft feel. It smelled exactly like him.

Remembering this morning brought a grin to her lips. It overwhelmed her to know that it was a mere few hours ago. Her body felt like she'd been awake for a week. Her eyes fell closed as she cherished the peace.

"Zai? You alright?" Stephen's smooth voice inquired, his body now seated next to Zaiya with a hand on her thigh.

"Yeah I'm...I'm terrified." Zaiya chuckled nervously and rested her head on Stephen's shoulder.

"We won't let him get the Stone, Zaiya. I won't let it happen." Stephen responded by caressing her thigh with his hand.

"Seems we're both putting our life on the line, then." Zaiya murmured, tears welling up in her eyes.

"They always were."

"Stephen. I...fuck." Zaiya's heart stopped, quiet sobs wracking her body.

Stephen slid his arm around her and drew her closer. His hand played with her hair, attempting to soothe her.

"You matter too much to die, Stephen. I know it's selfish, I know we told ourselves we wouldn't let it matter but fuck it. I can't go through it. I'm sorry." Zaiya said quietly, the ship's interior echoing her words.


"I know. It's just...no one knows what we're walking into but me. No one is as scared as they should be. People are going to die. You can't be one of them."

Stephen's lips brushed across her temple, leaving a sweet lingering kiss on her skin. Their eyes met as his hand clasped the other side of her face.

"I should let you know...before we go down there. Know that I-" Stephen began.

"Oi, love birds. We're nearly there." Tony spoke up, sticking his head around the corner where the pair had managed to hide.

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