| chapter twenty seven |

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" It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely

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" It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely. " - Albert Einstein


ZAIYA TOOK one last trip through the ship she had called home, knowing their time was coming to an end. She went slowly before stumbling across Tony's apparent lifeless body. She inhaled deeply and walked slowly up to him, as if she hadn't taken a breath in a long time. Her hand tenderly brushed his hair from his brow, a sad smile on her face. He was still alive, just. Her gaze was drawn to the vivid blue galaxy visible through the window, which she assumed Tony would enjoy. Her muscles were nearly giving out as she gingerly scooped up his diminishing body.

Her physique had changed as well, the lack of oxygen having taken its toll. Her eyes were dark and sunken. Her normally immaculate silver hair was a tangled mess, with braid portions breaking apart. She was simply uninterested in maintaining them.

Tony was gently raised up, allowing him to gaze at the stars. At the very least, it would be preferable to complete darkness. She kissed his forehead one last time before leaving him alone in the cockpit, determined to find her own corner to say her goodbyes.


As the cold night wind blew, Zaiya nearly slid down the ship's stairs, goosebumps bursting on her skin. Steve Rogers rushed up to the trio, both Nebula and Zaiya assisting Tony down the stairs, since his body was too weak to do it on his own. Her gaze was drawn to Natasha, who stood a distance away. Natasha smiled softly, and Zaiya barely returned the gesture.

She felt a sense of jealousy as she saw Pepper and Tony embrace, tears welling up in her eyes. When Steve realised what was going on, he gently placed his hand on her shoulder. And she couldn't hold back the tears any further. She broke down in tears at that moment, every ounce of strength she had held together shattering. She didn't have a ship to tinker with, no silly table games to play, nothing but an old friend's consoling hand.

Steve drew her close to him, placing his arm around her shoulder and guided her into the Avengers Facility, his concern for her growing tenfold.


Zaiya sat next to Steve in a chair, watching as the faces of those she cared about flashed across the screens. She shifted her gaze away from Stephen's face, flinching briefly. Steve's warm hand was placed on her shoulder, and she recognised him right away. She gained the courage to look at the other people's faces as a result of that.

Bucky. Sam. Wanda. Peter.

It was simply too much for her to stare at any more faces. Her gaze was drawn to Thor, and their reunion was bittersweet. There was too much anguish and hate in their hearts to relish seeing each other again.

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