| chapter forty six |

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" Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion to death

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" Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion to death. " - Coco Chanel


ZAIYA'S GAZE landed upon Stephen, his face begging for some form of assistance as the portal closed, trapping him the Mirror Dimension indefinitely. She swallowed her nervous energy, and instead decided to focus on Peter, who had clearly won his battle against Stephen.

"Dude, what happened?!" Ned asked, running to his friend alongside MJ.

"I just had a fight with Doctor Strange and I totally won!" Peter exclaimed, clearly excited.


"Look it, I stole his ring thing!"

"Impressive." Zaiya muttered, Peter now remembering her occasional intimidating presence.

"Oh, uh. Sorry, Zaiya. It's just he, well' he-" Peter fumbled.

"You don't have to tell me. I know. I'll deal with it...shortly. Just...listen to me Peter, I'm going against my better judgement here. Doing the opposite of what I should be doing because I have faith in you." Zaiya began to explain, standing in front of the boy and placing her hands on his shoulders. "The universe isn't kind with second chances, we of all people should know that. But, it happened, and I think it can happen again. If you need my help, let me know."

"Thank you, Zaiya. For believing in me." Peter said, smiling softly.


"Just one more thing, what do we do about the box...thing?"

"I'd prefer if it stayed here. A fail-safe. If shit hits the fan, they gotta go home. Understand?"

Peter nodded quickly, as Zaiya took her leave.


Shit had well and truly hit the fan. Moments before Zaiya slipped on her own sling ring to get Stephen out of the Mirror Dimension, before a breaking news story blasted from the television in the living room. She wouldn't pay it much mind usually, but hearing Peter's name immediately sent her running towards the TV.

She ripped the sling ring off her finger, and darted out the front doors of the Sanctum and into the harsh downpour of rain. Her hair immediately got soaked through, her dark green tank top and black leggings sticking to her body. She groaned, knowing she wouldn't have the time to change into something more appropriate. Perhaps she should have gotten Stephen out first, given he could change his and her clothes at the wave of a finger.

Tendrils erupted from her shoulder blades and they immediately hoisted her into the crisp air. She had no idea where to look for Peter, but Zaiya knew she had to try. For the second time, she cursed at herself for not working on her portal skills more. Zaiya could only open portals to specific places, certainly not to certain people. Zaiya would have much preferred a trip into the Mirror Dimension rather than a very wet journey into New York city.

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