| chapter twenty five |

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" I have had the privilege of losing everything

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" I have had the privilege of losing everything. " - Byron Katie


ZAIYA'S FINGERS jerked and snapped in odd, twisted ways as she struggled to hang on to Thanos as best she could. She'd buried a number of her coils into the ground like tree roots straining and cracking from the pressure of a fierce thunderstorm. Her other tendrils wrapped themselves around Thanos' arm, spiralling up like a python squeezing its prey. Stephen, with his feet firmly planted, used his own powers to assist her just when she felt her grip loosening.

Thanos screamed, his mind being probed by Mantis and his body still swinging, attempting to find momentum to break away from everyone's clutches.

"Is he under? Don't let up." Tony said, gripping the gauntlet tightly.

"Be quick. He is very strong." Mantis pleaded, her face strained from the flurry of emotions that swam through her head.

"Parker, help! Get over here. She can't hold him much longer. Let's go."

Zaiya's gaze never left Tony and Peter as they worked slowly but steadily to remove the gauntlet from Thanos' grip. Sweat trickled down the side of her head, irritating her senses with a stinging feeling. She had to have been beaten up a lot more than she had anticipated as she could no longer tell the difference between the blood and the sweat.

When Quill landed quickly in front of them, a confident smile on his face, only then did her eyes leave the figures of Peter and Tony. The air became stuck in her throat, causing a new tingling sensation beneath her skin. She had a bad feeling.

"I thought you'd be hard to catch. For the record, this was my plan." Quill boasted, taking steps closer to the group. "You're not so strong now, huh? Where is Gamora?"

"My...Gamora." Thanos grunted, barely able to get the words together.

"No, bullshit! Where is she?"

"He is in anguish!" Mantis spoke, her voice pained.


"He...he mourns!"

"He has nothing to mourn!" Zaiya yelled, digging her tendrils into his arm, purple blood bleeding through the gashes.

"Gamora." A blue skinned lady spoke, causing everyone to turn their heads. "He took her to Vormir. He came back with the Soul Stone. But she didn't."

Anger, anguish, and despair all erupted at the same time. Zaiya's eyes raced back and forth as he realised Thanos had murdered Gamora, the sweet little daughter he had cradled and adored. Looking at Quill's face, her heart twanged in sympathy, his grief becoming rage. She should've known their hold on Thanos would be shattered as soon as Quill started punching him in the face.

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