Chapter 7.

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The Next Day...

"Ah God." Luz yawned. "Who knew that sleeping late would do a number on me like this?" Luz rolled her eyes and kept on walking to school.

Then Luz saw Amity.

Luz secretly rolled her eyes and walked towards her, immediately changing her mood. "Are you doing better now?" Amity looked at her and smiled.

"I don't know who even killed that monster, but thank God for his existence!" Luz looked back, slowly getting shocked by what she said. "What did you just say?"

It was too good to be true.

Luz completely loved this woman. She was too good. "I mean, that mother of mine was so brutal to me, I even planned on killing and slaughtering her when I was 9 years old." Luz was completely shocked.

Luz gulped and cleared her throat and immediately changed the topic. It really pained her to have done such but it was to protect what she had done.

"Do you want to grab some coffee before we start class?" Amity nodded in excitement and Luz held her hand and they both started blushing.

These were both deadly people; one who is a remorseless murderer, and the other who would enjoy such sight.

They entered the shop and saw some people there. "John? Amy? Anne!?" Luz hugged all of them. "It's been such a long time, Amy, Anne!" They both nodded. "Sorry we handed all the work to you, boss."

"No problem! Also, thank you John... for yesterday." John nodded and continued what he was doing, as he fully understood what Luz said. "You can all sit down, I'll make you some coffee. You're welcome back, Amy and Anne." They nodded and John, Amy and Anne sat down.

"I'll help you Luz!" Amity exclaimed and Luz nodded. Luz started preparing everything and Amity brought out the cups. As Amity was holding the hot kettle, immediately she dropped it as it was still open, water almost splashed on her.

Luz stretched out her hand to prevent the hot water from landing on Amity's face and Luz held the pain. "Ow..." Luz bent down, as she was whining in pain. "Luz! Are you alright?" Amity looked at her hand and it was red and saw a little scratch.

"It's fine don't worry." Luz brought out the first aid box and put bandages on that part. "How did you get that scratch?" Amity asked and Luz looked at her. "I was cutting some onions yesterday night and some onion juice landed in my eyes and I mistakenly cut myself." Amity kept on apologizing for what she did and Lus started laughing.

"It's alright honestly. I haven't been able to enjoy some time like this until it happened..." Luz looked away and Amity frowned. "What ha-" "Where's the coffee?" Amy came to them and saw Luz and Amity. "Oh, it's almost done, just wait."

Amity stood up and walked away to continue. Then Amy jumped over from where she was and went to Luz. "Lil Luzzy, is that your wife?" She whispered in her ear. "She is not my wife!" She exclaimed, making Amity to hear and lead to both of them blushing.

"But I really like her..." Luz scratched her head. "There we go! By the looks of it, she even likes you too!" Luz looked at her plainly. "Isn't it obvious?" Luz rolled her eyes and Amy smirked.

"Getting a lil too confident, aren't you?" She laughed and went back to where she was. "I'm expecting a good coffee with some nice cream puffs!" Luz scoffed and smiled.

She went back to the kitchen where she saw Amity, who packed her hair. Luz was surprised and kept on staring at her and then she blurted: "You look so beautiful." Amity started blushing and Luz covered her mouth.

"We should really make this and gonto school!" Amity exclaimed and Luz immediately nodded and went to help Amity.

Some minutes later...

"Ah... It's been such a long time I've tasted your coffee, boss!" Amy exclaimed. "Right? It's so good." They clapped for Luz.

"Thank you but it was Amity and I that made it." Amy and Anne looked at her. "Huh..." They said and Amity looked away, blushing. Amy gave Luz a signal to bend down so that she could ask her something.

"Hey Luz!"

"You still in that business?" Luz's eyes widened and she smiled. "Of course I am! I can never stop it." Luz started laughing and Amy started laughing with her.

Knowing very well that the "business" they were talking about was the one involving Luz killing other people.

"Well, Amity. It's time to go." Luz held her hand and they both carried their bags and went outside.

"They really are dating."

John and Anne nodded.

"Who were those people? Customers?" Luz looked at Amity. "Of course not! I can never speak to customers in such an informal way, whether I know them or not."

"Those two are my childhood friends, Amy and Anne and they work under me. There are still a lot of people who work under me since after all, the shop is a big shop but I told them to go on vacation. They should all be in town anyway." Amity nodded.

Then there was silence.

They went to school peacefully and waved at each other.

"God. I really want her to be with me right now." They both had the same thought.

But they can't just skip class, can they?

Another day for Luz Noceda and Amity Blight.

Luz looses focus in her first class and starts to daydream as Amity takes notes but is completely in another place.

"I want to see her." Luz sighed and looked at the ceiling.

During Break...

Luz and Amity saw each other and smiled. Amity hugged Luz immediately and Luz embraced her gently.

"We both missed each other, didn't we." Amity nodded.

It was like both of them were childhood friends that hadn't seen each other for eons and finally saw each other.

They walked around school, started talking. Then Luz saw something.

She saw a lilac and picked it up and attached it to Amity's hair. "It really matches with your hair." Amity blushed then smiled.

Moments like this is what people would always want to never end.

But this world is like this that...

Nothing lasts forever.

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